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Replied by Deezer

Crossfade for Android and Deezer Desktop App

Crossfade should be available on all platforms, it currently works on iOS but not on my Mac app, please roll this out ASAP, it’s a very simple yet vital feature for any music app.

95 replies

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 12 replies
  • November 12, 2017
Is there any chance to include crossfade between tracks in any of the future upgrades of Deezer apps?

Noam Asulin
Deezer Legend
  • Bezi since 2017
  • 2437 replies
  • November 12, 2017
See below a tip I posted on how to achieve this on web :

You can achieve it also on tge beta mobile version. To become a beta tester check the link below :

  • Lover
  • 6 replies
  • February 28, 2018
MusicIsLife1122 wrote:
See below a tip I posted on how to achieve this on web :

You can achieve it also on tge beta mobile version. To become a beta tester check the link below :

When will this come to the main Apps?

Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 3748 replies
  • March 2, 2018
Like @MusicIsLife1122 said, it's already available on iOS and for android Beta users.

  • Lover
  • 6 replies
  • March 2, 2018
Ana. wrote:
Like @MusicIsLife1122 said, it's already available on iOS and for android Beta users.

I understand that. but its been at least 3 months in beta. why not move to production branch? what am I paying for?

  • Deezer Staff
  • 6123 replies
  • March 3, 2018
doronn wrote:
Ana. wrote:
Like @MusicIsLife1122 said, it's already available on iOS and for android Beta users.

I understand that. but its been at least 3 months in beta. why not move to production branch? what am I paying for?

Hi there, we don't know why it's still in beta to be honest. But I'm happy to pass your feedback on again. Will hopefully be available to all users soon! 🤞🏼

Dear Deezer, I like listening to my music and I really enjoy my music, but I enjoy it more when I have the ability to choose and mix my own tracks. But I have noticed that some tracks can go on and on for ages and when they finish there can be a gap before the next track plays. I like fading my tracks into each other, just as the club DJs do. The question is, is it possible for me to do this with my Deezer app? How can I do this? Please help answer this question please. Thanks

Rob Igo
Alien SuperStar
  • The OG
  • 2978 replies
  • August 22, 2018
Hi @thomasymphony

I believe you can do this on iPhones and if you download the Android Beta app it also works on some phones.

Please vote for the idea to have this implemented across all platforms: -


Hi Rob Igo, thanks for your response to my problem. But how do I actually carry out this process, I use an iPhone and I still don’t know how to do the fading in and out. I need help.


m a beta user vd crossfade still doesnt appear
Yo eliminated the option?

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 37 replies
  • October 16, 2018
Hello @Nicolas Lopezc,
This feature is still available in Settings > Deezer Labs.
If you still don't see it, could you send the app's version code.


Rob Igo
Alien SuperStar
  • The OG
  • 2978 replies
  • October 16, 2018
If I restart my Moto G4 Play (running Deezer beta on Android) I have the option. However once I've used the Deezer app ONCE and come out of it, when I go back in the option is no longer there, until I restart my device again 😞


Crossfading between tracks doesn't work on Lenovo Tab.
Any help?

Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 3824 replies
  • October 29, 2018
Hi @primoz.ropin pleas see above. There is generally no crossfade on our Android apps I am afraid.

Deezer has some things to improve like show the songs that we saved of each artist. But the main one is the crossfade. Essential, already present in ios a long time and still do not have on android. I wonder when the news will come. I have deezer labs and have no crossfade option.

Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 3824 replies
  • November 19, 2018
Hi there, unfortunately we do not have any information on when this will be ready, but the developers know that users would like to have this feature on Android. We will be updating topics about it once we have more news, sorry if this is not the answer you wanted to hear.

I hope deezer has crossfade soon. Some albums I hear somewhere else because of this.

Deezer needs this. Could be a deal breaker for me.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 2 replies
  • January 27, 2019
Would love to see Crossfade/Gapless playback on the android version of deezer

Deezer Legend
If you become an Android beta tester, you can install the beta version of the Android app which has at least crossfade already, as far as I know.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 2 replies
  • January 27, 2019
Hey thank you very much for that how do I do that can you walk me through it

Deezer Legend
See the Android Beta tester forum and this posting:

I am not a beta tester, and it seems that Crossfade once was available, but is not at the moment, see this thread:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • January 30, 2019
why can mix not all numbers be closed. Now you have a single second between each song and I do not call that a mix. a mix should be a whole. is a solution for this.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • January 31, 2019
Hi there @haroldkel73

I'm sorry but I'm not sure what problem you're facing. Could you explain in detail?

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • January 31, 2019
an example. the mix of Armin van Buuren. annual mix 2018. there is a 1 second break between each number before the next issue starts. but a mix should be played behind each other otherwise it is not the year mix.
