
Let Us Play Only Loved Tracks In An Album. If We Desire So.

add some way to shuffle only the loved tracks in an album when we tap the album to play. 

on the album page.

Hi Deezer Team !

As the title says : “I want to play only my favourite songs of an album (highlighted by heart symbol )”.

Why we can’t play only our favourite songs selected by heart symbol on album we choose to listen to ?

It’s ridiculous as I always have to make another playlist with the same name of album, composer/artist and my favourite songs songs from the album I want to listen to. It’s time-consuming, it may be confusing at some point when your collection is really big and number of your favourite artists/composers is huge. It would be so easy to add an option like: Play your favourite songs from/on this album and program/app plays only songs highlighted with hearts. I listen to so many kind of artists and not all of the songs on particular albums are my choice to listen to at some time. There are sometimes albums with different version of the same songs and I don’t wish to listen to the same song 3-6 times in a row. I’m a music lover and I fully understand why some rare versions of the greatest songs are included in Special Editions albums but pleas Deezer give us more freedom, more choices and respect our taste and also give us more comfort to listen to our favourite music.


Kind Regards

You can dislike songs now

Hi there, Deezer won't be able to work on this idea at the moment, but I passed your feedback on to the right team :)