
Zoom on the Cover

Related products: Desktop/Web

There is an option “Zoomon the Cover” on the album page. As a web developer I find this way to look at an image weird and cumbersome.

From UX perspective, a simple click on the actual album cover is far better. Just click the image and the user zoomed on the cover…

Right now the album cover is not clickable, plus finding the menu point at a totally other place is unintuitive.

Hey @icefront✌🏽

Can you please give me more info about this idea? Some examples / screenshots if possible, please? 

Thank you! 

Here is a screenshot that explains the things…

  1. The cover image should be clickable. Most of the users will want click on the image to see the larger version
  2. It is unintuitive to burry the action “Magnify the cover image” under a context menu. Basic UX/UI stuff...


NewNot for now

Perfect @icefront, thank you for the details! 

Let’s try to receive more votes now. 💪🏽