
number of times listened

Have the option to see how many times you listened the song or the album completely. When you display your list of albums there is the option to order it by the most listened. And i think deezer has some track of this cause every month you recieve some of this numbers my mail. But would be cool to see it with numbers i think. With a filter in the album list and playlist and see this feature. 

Updated idea statusNew→Not for now

This is an interesting idea, @enomao! 

We do keep such data, let’s wait for other people’s votes. 

When it becomes a popular idea we can push it to the rest of the team 🙋🏽

This would be a great feature, because I think Deezer has a big flaw in its “Flow” algorithm and also when just shuffling my favorites - some songs are just never played and some are repeated too often. Being able to sort the favorite list based on how many times I’ve listed to a track, I could find some of my dear songs that I didn’t hear for a long time.