
Show/sort artist's albums in specific order: studio first, then contributions

when you select an artist Albums are messy. they appear in no-order…

if the music appears on a several-artists-album this also appears… and it gets very messy…

you can see 60 albums for an artist that wrote only 4…

couldnt we have  a simple order like showing first ONLY the studio albums of that artist ? and then contribution albums ? like 1 song in a variety another album ???

I find it difficult. for every artist im interested… i must first read which are its studio albums and then look for them in your player...

Hi there @Oswe 

Thank you for your input and support. You've got my vote and I've passed it to our content team. I've amended the title as well, to better reflect your suggestion. Hopefully other users will vote so that it can be prioritised 😉

We are currently working on cleaning artists pages and discussing how to better organize the catalog based on data sent by our providers :)

Hi dev team,

Whenever I want to listen to an artist I haven’t listened to before, I have to go to the artists wiki page and look at studio albums to see what the chronology is (because artist’s albums deezer page is full of irrelevant releases and is not in chronological order).

Another thing I would love to see implemented is an option to listen to the album’s original track listing when playing a remastered/reissued album. All the demo and live versions are cool, but they ruin the album listening experience. My workaround is to manually create a playlist of only the songs appearing on the original release (again by using wikipedia). This is tiresome and has the drawback that when I click on my liked/downloaded albums page, I don’t see the playlists.

Thanks for your great work in bringing music to us listeners!

So, long three years have passed and it seems the messy albums are here to stay?

Hi all !

About albums …

If you search albums for example Dua Lipa then will be open page where is all albums with no order .


But , if you click on name of artist then  will be open discography .


Scroling down you will find ALBUMS , SINGLES ,LIVE ALBUMS and FEATURED IN etc.



Oops! My bed for nechroposting w/o bearing that in mind (which I’d come across before but had completely overseen).

By which I mean, thanks!