
Personalised player-screen

I am very into making playlists, far more than the share button that is situated on the left of the “options” and “add to favourites” heart. The older versions had an “add to playlist” buttonbut this was swopped out for the “share” icon.  My propsal is to allow users to customise their player layout with all the option features to a 3-button set up that bests suit them.

I find myself often selecting to remove a track from favoirtes or the current playliest instead of adding it to another. A simple settings function that allows you to choose from the lets say 5 most used fucntions such as: 

add to playist
go to artist/album page


Hi @Shane Reyneke, we have passed this feedback on to our developers already, however, we won't be making massive changes like this any time soon. Right now Deezer wants to make to the Home very personalised, but all based on algorithms. We'll keep passing this feedback on the right team and will update our community as soon as we have any more news :)