
Make Deezer available in Andorra

It is not possible to purchase a premium account if one is in Andorra. The country does not feature in the drop-down list and it incorrectly detects it as France. Any idea Deezer, when you could fix this?

Hello @ysb33r, I see you’ve contacted the support team regarding this. I converted your topic as an idea for which users can vote, the more we get votes, the better the chances are to see this happen. I’ve given you my vote, because I do think Deezer should be available for you as well. Meanwhile, out of curiosity and to help you get Deezer, which payment methods do you have, a Spanish one, a French one or something specific to Andorra?

Have a nice weekend

With Andorra would be 185 countries :sunglasses:

Updated idea status New → Feedback
Updated idea statusFeedback→Not for now