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Use it mainly on a Windows 10 64bit desktop, but the problem is also on my Android phone. The episodes are in reversed order. Starts with ep.10 and ends with ep.01 (for example). So everytime an episode ends, I need to manually select the next episode. An example is Locked up abroad podcast. The order is not very important for that podcast though.


Is Deezer still working on this problem of the podcast playlist being in the wrong order (last episode first in queue). Last reply was 1 yr ago, but I'm still facing this problem...

Hey @Amazon62 

Do you mean the latest episode released? In what platform do you listen to podcasts? Desktop or mobile? Android or iOS?



Dutch podcast...

Thanks for detailing your feedback and coming back to me @Amazon62 

So, on mobile, you can use the sorting by tapping on the arrows (top right). You have the option to sort by Oldest to Newest and vice-versa.

In relation to desktop/web, I've asked about future plans for our devs to develop it and I'll get back to you once I've got a proper answer :wink:

That response about selecting the sort order is not a solution. It doesn't matter what order the episodes are displayed in. I finish an episode of a podcast and it starts playing the previous episode instead of the next episode. 

I'm a Spotify refugee, and I'm fine losing a few niche pieces of functionality but this seems pretty basic. 

Hey there @Bullcitydave. This is quite an old thread. 

What podcast are you listening to? And from what device? 

I'm Wrong About on a OnePlus 9

It doesn't matter whether I have sorted by date ascending or descending. When I finish the episode The Exploding Ford Pinto, the Michelle Remembers Part 1 episode plays even though it's an older episode I have already listened to. When I finish an episode I want to hear the oldest episode I haven't heard yet. 

Hello @Bullcitydave, I just listened to the very same episodes, sorted from Newest to Oldest and I could not reproduce the issue. Can you please reinstall and let me know if it helps? 

I'm having the same issue, I wish they would update it quickly. This is not nice when you're listening to a series. I also found threads dating to 3 years ago regarding podcast playing order. 

This is still happening. No matter what the sort order is. I am reading to play a podcast with many many episodes but Deezer always plays them newest to oldest, which is the wrong way round.

Thanks for detailing your feedback and coming back to me @Amazon62 

So, on mobile, you can use the sorting by tapping on the arrows (top right). You have the option to sort by Oldest to Newest and vice-versa.

In relation to desktop/web, I've asked about future plans for our devs to develop it and I'll get back to you once I've got a proper answer :wink:

Good evening,

I there any update or resolution to this issue? 

For years now I have used Deezer for music but other apps for podcasts as it's just not possible when driving or working to play around with my phone to effectively 'skip back' each time an episode ends to play the next episode.

Changing the episode order does nothing. Oldest to newest, newest to oldest, they both play newest to oldest regardless.

Why is there not a user setting for which order a customer wishes to listen to podcasts? Please can this be fixed as this app is more of a burden than it is useful.

Dear Deezer, 

The order of these Podcasts is a big problem on Android. Not resolved by reordering episodes, still plays newest to oldest. 


Cannot follow a Podcast series, so cannot listen to Podcasts. Will be cancelling subscription for this order reason. 


2 to 3 years working on a bug is not acceptable. 

Further to my previous post, I checked last night and Spotify doesn't have this issue. No more putting off listening to podcasts for me!

Hi @Paul Barclay @Samsquanch @JP ZA, sorry to hear that you are having this issue.
Deezer podcast have two types of podcast - episodes and serial.
Serial Podcast play from the oldest to the newts, while episodes Podcast  plays from the newts to the oldest by default.
Unfortunately, the only way to overcome the limitation mention by you would be a manual reordering of the queue list.

