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Missing songs/unavailable

Hi. I'm new here. I noticed that some songs are not available at all, not listed, or missing. For example, Why does Deezer not have a song called "For you I will" (Confidence) by Teddy Geiger ?? ?? I'm looking for the original version!

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hey there @Geemboscapa

you can find all your answers on this article: 



i had song Passenger- Let Her go on my favorite tracks over many years, but I noticed that for long time it’s missing, I can see it on my playlist but the song is gray and I can’t play it. Is there a soliton for this or is the song not available on deezer anymore?


Userlevel 7
Badge +13


i had song Passenger- Let Her go on my favorite tracks over many years, but I noticed that for long time it’s missing, I can see it on my playlist but the song is gray and I can’t play it. Is there a soliton for this or is the song not available on deezer anymore?


Hi @Sofija Trujic !


If song is greyed, is no longer available in your country and for some reason is removed from Deezer . With two arrows you can replace song with other if is replacement there (sometimes you can't) .

Select name of song ( MELO DE … )➡ tap Replace



How can i find missing song.

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

How can i find missing song.

If is greyed , then you can replace song with other same song from other album ( if is available ), but if is missing you can't find it.
