It can be very confusing at times and it often happens to me that I accidentally start a song this way and ending my currently playing one or even the current playlist, just because I wanted to look up info about a certain song.
but in the currently playing window, when I click the Song title it redirects me to the album info. Which is imo the desired behaviour for all of those situations. If i actually wanna PLAY the song Ill click the play button that pops up, when I hover over it.
And just as a quick note to ppl wanting the click on Titel take you to the current Playlist:
Imo this should rather be directly added to the now playing window AND be fixed in the Queue Window, because nowhere does it say if and what playlist it’s currently playing from. It always only says “Queue” (or whatever it says in english)
It doesnt display the playlist name, nor does it have a link to get there. But that’s an issue for a separate topic, which I will open if there isn’t one.