Lyrics button from all the songs disappeared and lyrics button was so helpful for me to sing and understand the song but now it's looking even boring too so please helpppp
Are you sure the following answer from the FAQs in this article does not apply to you?
If you are a free user of Deezer, or are using version 8.0.8 of Android (or older) or iOS 10.8 (or older), you will not be able to access lyrics. Free users will be redirected to purchase a subscription plan, so you still have a chance to view lyrics!
Same here, the microphone next to the song title is gone. It used to be there. And yes, I have Deezer Premium. It’s already been reported to Deezer.
Same here and nothing changed untill six months?
The Lyrics button did indeed disappear, and at the moment, we don’t have any plans to bring it back to the mobile app.
However, you can still access lyrics on the web or desktop app if that helps!
Hope that works for you!
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