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Lyrics button disappeared

There have been lyrics on certain songs (Rammstein - Zeit, Sonne, Mutter, etc for example) but a few days ago the lyrics button disappeared from these songs.


Rebooted the phone, changed the location to Germany, but nothing helped.


Basically, no non-english songs have lyrics available (no microphone icon next to any non-English song, nor is there the lyrics button when the songs are playing)

13 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hello there @ljopi87

We don’t have lyrics to all the song we have in our catalogue. 

Some lyrics are just not available yet, but don’t worry, 

they might come back soon! 

Userlevel 1

Hello there @ljopi87

We don’t have lyrics to all the song we have in our catalogue. 

Some lyrics are just not available yet, but don’t worry, 

they might come back soon! 

Thank you for your response. I would consider it as a valid one if that was the case from the start :)


However, all these songs had lyrics until a few days ago, so I'm wondering what happened to them?


Also, if we exclude Zeit as a new song (even though it had lyrics before), the other songs are very old (and they too had lyrics), so I don't believe those need to be added again, right?


I just started using this app today and don't see anywhere to get any lyrics, which is my whole reasoning for getting the app, I specifically want lyrics on a certain artist, guess ill go back to my original app since its not avaliable.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

hey @RedFlagChaser1811 could you please provide a screenshot in order to help?
We don’t have lyrics for all of our catalog yet.

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

@Yula The lyrics are still missing for all Rammstein songs in the Rammstein Complete playlist. And as @ljopi87 already mentioned, all, or very many were there at one time or another. That there was no change now after 8 months, makes me a little sad, because I would like to have the lyrics, especially with Rammstein. Could you please ask LyricFind again, where they remain, or if there were any license problems, then we would at least have certainty that they do not come back.
Thanks in advance

Userlevel 1

I don't know why my comment was blocked yesterday when I uploaded a picture where lyrics are shown on the TV, so I initially made a grumpy comment. It's been edited now since this comment seems to have been auto-approved.



Userlevel 1

@lm41 I mentioned this yesterday but my comment wasn't approved then - as you can see in the comment above - casting the song to Chromecast displays the lyrics. They "magically" disappear on mobile devices, though.

@Yula and @Jaime. can this be escalated now?

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

If i have the track page open in the browser the lyrics are there:

If I play the song normally they aren’t there.

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

@Yula In the subreddit r/rammstein many users have announced that many lyrics have been added back on spotify. Since spotify uses musixmatch, it seems like they were added there. Can you please check again with lyricfind. Maybe also with the request to ask the Rammstein management, what is with the song lyrics. as

Userlevel 5
Badge +6

Hi @lm41 @ljopi87 !

Sorry about it.😑

I sent your feedback to the right team to check it. When they return to me I let you know.👌🏼

Take care.

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

@Johnathan.Deezer Thanks :-)


Where are the lyrics of all the songs now for free users?

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

@Fev If you are a free user of Deezer, or are using version 8.0.8 of Android (or older) or iOS 10.8 (or older), you will not be able to access lyrics. Free users will be redirected to purchase a subscription plan, so you still have a chance to view lyrics!
