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Listen together

  • 13 May 2024
  • 3 replies

Dear developers,

I have a great idea to improve Deezer. Just add a feature that allows users to listen to music together, even if they are not in the same location.

This would be a fantastic addition to the platform and I believe it would make Deezer an even more enjoyable experience for all users.

Thank you for your attention to this idea. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Best regards, F40RGIVE.


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hi @F40RGIVE have you tried Shaker already?


Hi @Jaime.Deezer,

Suppose: My friend listens to the song "A" at the 48th second, I see in the application that he listens to the song "A" at the 48th second and press the listen together button and start listening to the track "A" from the 48th second. This has already been implemented in spotify. I would just like to see exactly the same function in deezer so that it does not lose out in the functionality of Spotify.

Best regards, F40RGIVE.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Thanks for the feedback, I’ll pass it to the corresponding team, but I can’t guarantee this would be considered or available any time soon.
