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Improving podcast selection?

Hello everybody, I’m here just asking if there is any plan from Deezer to improve the Podcast selections. 

I’ve always used Google Podcast to listen to Podcasts, but they are shutting down at the end of the month and if I have to move on another paying platform, I would rather start paying for Youtube and be sure that I will still have those podcasts and music, rather than paying Deezer and Youtube together.

I really don’t want to leave Deezer, but I feel it will be a forced choice, unless I have the option to keep listening to my podcasts on Deezer - honestly I’ve always found the Podcast selection a bit too small.

I know it’s not something that can happen over the night, but is there any plan about making the podcasts selection broader and maybe a list with dates about when and if specific podcasts will be available on this platform?

Thanks a lot!

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi . 

Podcast selection is not actually something Deezer is in charge of . 

Podcasts creators should upload their podcasts to deezer . It’s free and easy to do , however since Deezer is a small company I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of podcasts creators are not even familiar with the platform . 

Back then when I wanted a podcast to be added to deezer I would sent a message to the creators and ask for it . Most of them did add the podcast to deezer. 

Deezer can’t really do anything about that if the creators won’t add the podcast .

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @Duenoveuno, thank you for bringing this up.

Yes, what Super User @Noam Asulin mentioned is correct.

Deezer doesn't have control over podcast selection.

It's up to podcast creators to upload their content to Deezer's platform.

While Deezer strives to offer a wide range of podcasts, the decision ultimately lies with the creators.

Thanks for you reply guys!

I thought there was a team taking care of that kind of activities, but I'll reach out to the artist - I'm not confident they will even notice my message, but trying costs me nothing.

Thanks again! 🙌🏻
