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Got an idea? Request a feature 🚀

Got an idea? Request a feature 🚀
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Alien SuperStar
  • Author
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • July 6, 2021

Hey @HenksDeezer 

Thanks for the feedback. That's available for our mobile apps but it's still being developed for our web and desktop apps. Hang in there, please!

Hi @madsaucy 

That's a fair point. But it isn't about choosing between new stuff and fixes. We're just doubling up on our resources to get these audio problems you mentioned out of the way in the long term. So we need a bit more focus and priority for the time being, to improve the performance of our apps/platform. Your feedback is very welcome!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • July 25, 2021



I have a KaiOS Nokia, and I really like it. Its limited features are just enough, without the device taking too much of my attention. 

What would make it even better though, is a Deezer app. I don’t know if that would be doable, but I think with the traction these kind of hybrid-quasi-smartphones are getting, there is business to make! You may even split marketing costs with Nokia for the launch of its next KaiOS phone.

I hope you think about it.

Good day to you



Alien SuperStar
  • Author
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • July 28, 2021

Thanks, Enzo @EZNO, really appreciate it!

Please vote for it:


  • Runaway Baby
  • 2 replies
  • September 8, 2021

It’s been at least 3 years since Discord introduced Rich Presence. Can we finally get an official Deezer rich presence integration going? Spotify had it from the start and Youtube Music didn’t take long to implement, so where’s the holdup? So many people use Discord everyday and I find myself constantly checking what people on my friends list are listening to and maybe discover new music that way. Get one person on it and he/she will be done in a week max (the documentation is readily available)


It kinda sucks that you have to use the browser version of Deezer and a 3rd party plugin to make it work currently when it can be implemented in-app :/

  • Chart topper
  • 2597 replies
  • September 8, 2021
jazz_massive wrote:

It’s been at least 3 years since Discord introduced Rich Presence. Can we finally get an official Deezer rich presence integration going? Spotify had it from the start and Youtube Music didn’t take long to implement, so where’s the holdup? So many people use Discord everyday and I find myself constantly checking what people on my friends list are listening to and maybe discover new music that way. Get one person on it and he/she will be done in a week max (the documentation is readily available)


It kinda sucks that you have to use the browser version of Deezer and a 3rd party plugin to make it work currently when it can be implemented in-app :/

Do not hold your breath.

It takes them usually years to implement ideas like these based on Community posts.

Why not just change provider if it works? I did and I have no regrets :relaxed:

Even Monday Discovery seems to be first time on point to my taste…

Happy Hardcore 24/7 to discover and music I listen from other genres. All unheard.

On Deezer it was some weird music mostly.

I do not have a lifetime to waste waiting for the features asked for years.

Alien SuperStar
  • Author
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • September 11, 2021

Hey @jazz_massive 

Thanks for the feedback. Our friend hpguru here is a bit emotional after leaving Deezer, so the community doesn't recognise him. Weird music? You need to look back to your posts :sweat_smile: Check this out:

About Discord, it's on our radar but we don't have the resources to prioritise it at the moment. Don't lose faith, we take one step at a time. Our ambitions are certainly bigger than our size!

We need a Wear OS app! 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • November 25, 2021

We need “Asio” and “Wasapi” please

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • November 25, 2021

I would like to know if “Audirvana Studio” compatibility with “Deezer” will be available soon

  • Runaway Baby
  • 6 replies
  • December 1, 2021



There exist albums with 2 or 3, even 7 sides (or discs) into a single album, but sometimes this sides has its own name (different form the whole album name) like the case of 7G from A.G. Cook, whos was divided into A.G. Drums (disc 1),  A.G. Guitar (disc 2), A.G. Supersaw (disc 3), etc... Or Eternal Home from Fire-Toolz who each of the sides has its own name too.

It would be cool if where display de division betwen discs into the tracklist, they have its own name for each part of the album, that i think would help to well understanding of the album whole concept.

In the same way, it could be cool too if on the player it display on which part of the album was located the song we are listeng to.

Please include airplay feature on Deezer App for Android. Now we cannot send music to Media devices on same WiFi to get the music airplayed. 


It works fine with IOS.


Also do self sync for Deezer apps if logged in on multiple devices using the same account. Music played on one device can be seen playing on another device and or including Deezer for PC.


This feature works fine on Spotify app.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • February 1, 2022

Please Add SongCatcher to WatchOS.  Its currently only available on IOS.  It makes perfect sense to have SongCatcher on Apple Watch as its always available on your wrist…

Thank You

  • 18 replies
  • April 2, 2022

I dont think this is 'making a forum' worthy so can i just make a feedback here?


Ok, i got a brilliant idea. Why dont we make a community team to 'beg' artists to release their music on deezer. Oh but allow them to have the privilege to use Deezer's name.



  • Moderator
  • 3225 replies
  • April 5, 2022
Wargamerz wrote:

I dont think this is 'making a forum' worthy so can i just make a feedback here?


Ok, i got a brilliant idea. Why dont we make a community team to 'beg' artists to release their music on deezer. Oh but allow them to have the privilege to use Deezer's name.



Hey! I am not sure I understand… can you explain a bit more? 

I would love a feature that shows the key + BPM of songs. As a DJ, this would be invaluable for me and make Deezer an integral part of my workflow. 

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • June 26, 2022

Not exactly a idea for the app but I noticed that in the forum you only have “male” and “female” as gender options. Since you've been kinda vocal about pride I'd love to see at least “other” or “non-binary” added to the options! 

Raymundo Ramos Jmz wrote:

When I play music, the random mode its not random, I mean, if I have ten songs in the play list “one” and play it, then the playlist “one” start with the track 4, after 6, after 3 etc. if I change playlist and back again to “one”, this repeat the same sequence 4-6-3 etc. you can apply a new algorithm, because there´s  no have sense if I play in normal o aleatory mode.

Tengo una solicitud similar:

la cuestión es que cuando inicio una playlist siempre inicia con la primera canción y tengo el player en modo "aleatorio" , y en realidad debería empezar con cualquier canción no con la primera, para mi es re molesto, no se vos. 
Otras apps de música empiezan con cualquier canción, no con la primera, como debe ser. 

Entonces la cuestión sería:

"En modo ALEATORIO, las canciones deben empezar por cualquiera de la playlist, no por la primera"


gracias totales!


Tengo una solicitud similar:

la cuestión es que cuando inicio una playlist siempre inicia con la primera canción y tengo el player en modo "aleatorio" , y en realidad debería empezar con cualquier canción no con la primera, para mi es re molesto, no se vos. 
Otras apps de música empiezan con cualquier canción, no con la primera, como debe ser. 

Entonces la cuestión sería:

"En modo ALEATORIO, las canciones deben empezar por cualquiera de la playlist, no por la primera"


gracias totales!

Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 1023 replies
  • July 2, 2022

Hello @mariotezipizape ,

When you say random mode, are you referring to shuffle mode?

Because if you are using shuffle, or random mode, when starting any playlist, by tapping the button that I have circled, your chances of getting any song should be the same. That includes the first song.

So while there is no guarantee that you won't get the first song, you have an equal chance of getting any song on the playlist playing first.

Que tengas buen dia.



An in-app tool for syncing song lyrics. 


it can work by first dividing them to rows, second, play the song and allow tapping the screen when a row starts, and again when it ends.




  • Runaway Baby
  • 5 replies
  • July 14, 2022

Hi everyone,

I think it might be super usefull if in the free version you could pause the advert so you can go and something else without waiting until the next song plays to pause it.

Hope this is a good idea.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • July 15, 2022

Deezer desperately needs an app for and better integration with Fire TV/Amazon Echos.  It’s a huge user base and not having that is probably going to annoy me into switching to Amazon Music.  

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • July 18, 2022

add an EQ option in audio quality settings. Simple, straightforward pop up EQ with just bass and treble would be awesome.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • August 6, 2022

Hey all,

Is there a chance that you are working on features for musicians?
When a song that I really like comes up I want to pick up the guitar or go to my drums set and play it.
If there was a possibility to change the speed of the songs it would be really easy to practice without switching to another app.
An advanced ability is to even break the songs into channels (voice, guitar, drums, base...).

Thank you!
