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Got an idea? Request a feature 🚀

Got an idea? Request a feature 🚀
Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies

We're proud to say that since the birth of our Deezer communities, you've been sharing and suggesting the best features and improvements we could ask for - clap if you think of Dark Mode :smirk::sunglasses:

So for us to get your feedback in the right place, to the right people and in the right way, we need you to follow 3 magic rules :point_down_tone2:

  1. Before posting an idea: check if it doesn't already exist :raising_hand_tone1:
    Our search engine has become more advanced and thanks to filters, you can easily find out if someone had the same cool idea you've been thinking about
  2. One topic/thread = one idea: so that it's easier to spot and start a discussion about, keep one suggestion per topic :nerd:
    We can then redirect specific teams to look into one topic about one feature, to keep things simpler and more objective
  3. Be clear and concise: I can't stress this enough! :spy_tone5: Think of a clever and specific title, detail your suggestion within the topic and don't be vague, make sure everyone knows what's all about
    Imagine other users looking for the same and finding your idea. They'll vote and our teams will be able to see clearly how many other users want the same
    Think about which platform and device the idea applies to as well

The ideas that meet the criteria above and are less of an opinion or general feedback will go through.

Not all ideas will see the light of day, that's true. But we can assure you that our developing teams will be directly informed about them and we'll be always closely following up to ensure there's progress :muscle_tone2:

We're delighted to have your suggestions popping here all the time - it's an essential part of making Deezer a better product for all of you :heart_eyes:


*topics with suggestions that reflect opinions or small improvements to existing feature will still be discussed here at Deezer but they'll be placed in the Features & Feedback forum, so don't be mad at us if that happens! :relieved:

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Star Wo-Man
  • Star Wo-Man
  • 459 replies
  • April 5, 2020

In my opinion, you should pin a topic with ideas from all users of the forum, so new and old users can see if an idea is already there before posting.
I know when you start a new topic, there are suggestions in title to see if that idea exists, but for you is also a way to keep a track of all topics, in order.

Just as simple as Title, date and link


Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • April 6, 2020

Really cool idea @walker :wink: we've been thinking about this and what would be the best way to deliver something like that in here. Thanks for suggesting it!


As for number 2, you merged my web player feedback and my mobile app feedback all together 😛 someone’s a rule breaker!

Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
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  • April 11, 2020

Hahahaha @raccoonsarecool :rofl:
Those were not ideation topics, they were moved to the features and feedback forum. That is actually a good example.

If the changes to the app or features are subtle, more like improvements, they shouldn't be classed as ideas in the community. But simply good feedback to improve the product.

If you're requesting a new feature like lyrics, for example, then they should remain in this forum here :wink:


@Rudi so shouldn’t be in the feature and feedback forum? It’s a small improvement that would make the Android app fit in.

Star Wo-Man
  • Star Wo-Man
  • 459 replies
  • April 12, 2020
Rudi wrote:

Hahahaha @raccoonsarecool :rofl:
Those were not ideation topics, they were moved to the features and feedback forum. That is actually a good example.

If the changes to the app or features are subtle, more like improvements, they shouldn't be classed as ideas in the community. But simply good feedback to improve the product.

If you're requesting a new feature like lyrics, for example, then they should remain in this forum here :wink:

Is ambiguous, because an idea is an improvement. :thinking:
Could be easier to understand if an idea is something that isn’t there? And feedback is to improve something that is already.

Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
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  • April 15, 2020

That was just an example @walker @raccoonsarecool, apologies if I didn't make it clear.

Yes @walker, something that isn't there is good too :wink:

@raccoonsarecool no, that seems small but it's actually something big to develop for older versions of the Android system. It requires more work, hence it needs votes for it to be prioritised :v_tone2:

You're both tuned in with the ideas forum, I'm so proud of you :heart_eyes: like the ideas patrol :sweat_smile: keep it up, you make the community a better place!

Is it possible to run Deezer at the same time as youtube (or other apps) ? So that I can listen to music and do my exercise simultaneously while social distancing. 

Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • June 24, 2020

Hi there @Madeleencjvr 

Thanks for asking. That isn't possible on a mobile, YT will play its video over the Deezer app. In your case you'll need another device to play Deezer at the same time :v_tone2:

Deezer Legend

Well, if you use the Deezer desktop app or mobile app, you could also have YouTube open in your browser. The standard Windows setting in the audio mixer is that you will hear both sounds coming from the desktop app and browser then, so maybe you have to mute one of them if necessary.

Having two tabs open in a Deezer app will not work though if that is what you meant.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • November 17, 2020

We really need custom folders we can create in which we can put playlists and albums in(basically like we can create playlist for songs, but instead create folders for playlists)… I’ve got hundreds of playlists and albums of different music genres and it gets pretty hard looking for what i need or searching for type of playlist i’m in the mood for… with folders i could put all the playlists in the folder i’d find them to fit in for easier seach(like pop playlists, rock playlists, hip-hop playlists) and the rest would just stay unorganised in deafult playlist tab.

Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • November 18, 2020

Hey @Flap.Tlap 

Thank you for your support.

Please vote for the idea here and we'll fight for it to be prioritised :wink:

  • Lover
  • 6 replies
  • March 4, 2021

What do the different stages of ideas “new”, “in discussion”, “feedback” etc. mean exactly? Especially “in discussion” and “feedback” are not entirely clear to me. Is there a roadmap somewhere published where you link ideas from the community that are in works?


Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
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  • March 6, 2021

Not yet, @music1809 we thought about that so many times, but the trick is that revealing more info or details can boost users' frustration if these aren't met, for example.

Deezer Legends (superusers) have access to more details as one of their privileges :sunglasses:

  • New means that the idea has just been created and therefore, not properly categorised
  • In Discussion means that the devs have this in their minds, in their backlog. There's an active discussion around it, to see how to implement the idea, if it's feasible, etc
  • Feedback means that the comments have been passed to the right team, but it can only be considered if there's enough demand, for example

We're currently discussing how to improve these statuses here, with our Product teams. But I hope this gives you an idea. Have a great weekend! :relaxed:

  • 5 replies
  • March 28, 2021

This forum is a bit confusing… what exactly defines a new feature vs. an improvement elsewhere? And why are you afraid of people disliking if you prioritize some features over others? In my view, something that I’ve been missing in this forum is visibility what Deezer is focusing on vs what not. Can a user expect something or not, should be a clearly defined and transparently communicated thing, just like any other company would post a roadmap and explain their plans and actions.

We are all impacted by the pandemic and I think there is some tolerance about using resources more thoughtfully. However not communicating about it at all I think will be the biggest frustration with your subscribers and community.

  • 5 replies
  • March 28, 2021

Feature or not, but anyway not available today (though advertised), and totally frustrating to see there have been attempts by others (few examples below) to highlight the fact that the “Family plan” is lacking significantly, in that it does not provide a proper environment for kids.

Yes, the search is limited in kids profiles, but there is no barrier at all to overcome this, even with no criminal energy my kids realized that they can do this in no time. Of course as a parent I discussed with them what I want and don’t want them to do and why. But since kids don’t find content which they may have had before from another music service, and which isn’t really really explicit although Deezer filtration categorizes it this way for whatever reason, provides the appeal to just be looked up from any other profile.

One of Deezer’s unique selling point claims is that it is family and kids friendly, and this is what brought me (and apparently a large fraction in this forum) here, only to find that in fact this is quite an overstatement. Yes, profiles exist but a family can’t actually be sure the kids profile is safe to explore from the kids’ perspective. Frankly, that’s more than poor even considering that not a lot of music streaming services even go there…. anyway, I will appreciate if this topic can be taken more seriously than just pushing back the responsibility to the parents. 

I expect at least a password barrier when trying to switch out of a kids profile to any other profile, doesn’t have to be super secure, but it needs to be a visible barrier for the kids’ eyes to seek the discussion with their parents about it.

Please make an effort to read thru at least these 3 example threads and come up with some explanation, prioritization, ball park estimate…


Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • March 31, 2021

Hey @DavyDee 

I've replied to you on another topic. We're looking to improve this part of the Family subscription, so your comments are very welcome :relaxed:

When I play music, the random mode its not random, I mean, if I have ten songs in the play list “one” and play it, then the playlist “one” start with the track 4, after 6, after 3 etc. if I change playlist and back again to “one”, this repeat the same sequence 4-6-3 etc. you can apply a new algorithm, because there´s  no have sense if I play in normal o aleatory mode.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 5170 replies
  • April 3, 2021

Hey @Raymundo Ramos Jmz Thanks for your feedback, I am not sure about the algorithm and will try it with some of my playlists.
I will pass your feedback to our developers :relaxed:

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • April 6, 2021

I don't know if this count as a feature or an improvement but I was hoping that instead of a one solid colour or a monochrome gray for the music player,a nice Gaussian blur of the album art would be much more calm on the eyes. You could also add it as an option to choose. I think that would be awesome.Also a darker dark theme would be amazing (AMOLED)

Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • April 7, 2021

Hey @kafui.ekrme 

You may want to start a new topic in our ideas section for that :relaxed:

And for the AMOLED suggestion, check this out and vote:


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • April 18, 2021

Annual HiFi subscription would be awesome. If it would be possible to gift it, even better. Is it planned in the close future? I'm from Czech Republic.

I recently bought Sony wh-1000xm4 for my boyfriend’s upcoming birthday, hoping I could give him a yearly hifi subscription to enjoy 360 reality audio. For this reason I’ve just switched from Spotify to Deezer to learn more about it’s functionality and so far love it. Much less adds, great playlists, nice layout and friendly user interface.

Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
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  • April 20, 2021

It's on the cards for the future, yes! Stay tuned! @Wolfi 

In the meantime, you can also give months of Deezer via gift card, our HiFi subscription is quite cheap :grin:

Thanks a lot for your feedback :heart_eyes:

Hi all

What about including a "add to favourite tracks" (yeah, that bloody heart!) button also in the notification area? So it wouldn't bother the user opening the app to do so.




Hi all,

perhaps it’s a bug, who knows? :-)

Some favourite albums of mine are not normalized at all, so I’ve to quickly lower the volume before my colleagues hang me.

So, if you’re using some sort of (replay)gain database those entries are missing and it could happen; if you are doing real-time normalization, well, it’s a bug.



