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Deezer Monday Discovery mix not being updated

I have noticed that the Discover has stayed the same for me for more than one month now.

Firefox + Android.

13 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hi there @Kir Alche 

You're right - thanks for reporting it to us. This has been reported and we're looking into it. Thank you for your patience and understanding :thumbsup_tone2:

Hi there @Kir Alche 

You're right - thanks for reporting it to us. This has been reported and we're looking into it. Thank you for your patience and understanding :thumbsup_tone2:

Discovery has updated, see you next Monday)

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

@Kir Alche we are glad to hear that :slight_smile: Enjoy the discovery

Userlevel 1

Hello! I also have the same problem. Is there maybe a solution available? Thanks a lot.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hello @benedikt.winder, do you have this issue on all of your devices? Since when does it happen?


Userlevel 1

Same here for me! In fact today’s Monday Discovery is a direct repeat of one I had 3 weeks ago! Really strange what is happening here - love Deezer (HIFI quality A*) but some of the music discovery is a little off...

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hey @Jay-lo 

Thanks for reporting it!

Don't worry, hang in there. We're actually developing a new version of Monday Discovery and I can tell you that it rocks! Soon to be introduced to our users, stay tuned! :wink:

Userlevel 1

Look forward to it!!

Hi, this bug is persistent still. I’m using win 10 desktop app and the android one, on both “monday discovery” list is updating randomly from minim 7 days to a whooping max 20 day and lately is worsening. I’m using deezer since 2017 and i think its great but... these bugs… a counter would be usefull!  


I’m using version 5.30.60 on desktop and on android 11.


I also have the same problem

Hey @Luis Fernando Alvarez Sullen 

Unfortunately, I am affected again and again.
Please contact support once so that your account can be checked.
For me, Sunday Chill and Monday discovery are available again reasonably in time.



Same problem. Monday discovery is not being updated, also news on Friday was not updated.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5


Same problem. Monday discovery is not being updated, also news on Friday was not updated.

As i can see you opened your own thread for this. 

For answer go there… 😉
