Dark mode has recently gotten worse. It used to be that every screen except the album covers were dark. Now when I am playing an album, look at a playlist or the lyrics it appears in a background colour other than black. Makes it impossible to look at certain things in low light environments.
Bring back total dark mode please.
Best answer by darrenhealy1
Jaime.Deezer wrote:
@darrenhealy1 Please go to settings>display>monochrome player Activate that option and the background will remain in dark mode. Let me know how it goes
OMG, that solved it. This has been annoying me for a few months now. I would never have thought that the monochrome player button would have done that. I thought it would turn the player monochrome.
This is an actual pain to the eyes. I don't understand what the logic was with this mice. Why call it dark mode then? Makes it very difficult to use the app in low light environments.
That article does not help. It's about the desktop version. I just find the app too bright to use since the today. I definitely use it much less since. I think I'll probably end up not using it at all soon and I will let my subscription lapse
Dear Deezer team, this also happens in the lyrics screen. Dark mode doesn't give a dark screen. It gives a colour splash based on the colour of the album art.
Looks like this would be nice on regular/light mode. But in dark mode it's very annoying.
@darrenhealy1 Please go to settings>display>monochrome player Activate that option and the background will remain in dark mode. Let me know how it goes
@darrenhealy1 Please go to settings>display>monochrome player Activate that option and the background will remain in dark mode. Let me know how it goes
OMG, that solved it. This has been annoying me for a few months now. I would never have thought that the monochrome player button would have done that. I thought it would turn the player monochrome.