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To all independent artists! 

The playlist on our home page is dedicated to you, 

add it to your favourites and share your music with the rest of the community 🤘🏽


If you’re an artist, podcaster or simply call yourself a creator, or even if you’re just an avid fan, and have spotted something unusual or inaccurate within our catalogue, this is the place to reach out.

With our dedicated metadata teams, we always aim to deliver you the most precise content in the streaming industry, but let’s be honest: we’ve got a massive catalogue! :sunglasses::relieved: improvements are always on the pipeline, but there’s only so much we can do...

So nothing better than counting on you, to let us know where we can improve!

Don’t forget: to make things easier, always paste here the links for the content you’d like to be fixed on Deezer. We’ll try our best and take care of the rest :thumbsup_tone2:


P:S: If you are an artist based in the UK, France and Germany  we have a great opportunity for debuting artists of all genres  to reach new listeners and build fans!! Check this article 👈🏼


Hello @moebeats

Your page is all updated now :)

The page of the Caspian band includes many other artists with the same name and have their songs and albums bundled together:

Deezer page:



Hello @Virtualized_Potato, unfortunately if the music was distributed with that name, we can’t change it. :( 

Hello @joaopaulo1511

We can’t change the titles of the songs. We publish the music the way it was sent to us by the distributor or record label. 

Hello @Brownie, here is your new artist page:

You can claim the page here:

Also, we have a community playlist where you can share your releases, you just need to add it to your favourites to edit it! 


Hello @Northlad

Thanks for reporting this, I have created a new page for the UK band


Hello there @Ghosty!
Here is your new artist page:

We have a community playlist where you can share your releases, you just need to add it to your favourites to edit it! 


Hey @kaminski0519, I need the links from to be able to help you, please! 

Hello @DeeMajor

Here is your new artist page:

We have a community playlist where you can share your releases, you just need to add it to your favourites to edit it! 


Hello @efsdvarney001

Thanks for reporting the issue, I have separated the artists. 


Thank you @musicpresident ! I moved the album :) 

Hello @Lak Musical

I moved the albums for you :) 

We have a community playlist where you can share your releases, you just need to add it to your favourites to edit it! 

Hello @Riza Olcay

I have created a new artist page for you:

We have a community playlist where you can share your releases, you just need to add it to your favourites to edit it! 


Hey there, @ngylduy

I have added your music to the correct page! 

We have a community playlist where you can share your releases, you just need to add it to your favourites to edit it! 

Hello @Natasha Pipi Borscak

I have cleand up the artist page, thanks for reporting the error :) 

Hey @OllieY! I have moved the album, thanks a lot!

Hello @Yanz! I created a new artist page for you:

You can claim it here. 

We have a community playlist where you can share your releases, you just need to add it to your favourites to edit it! 

Hi there,

My artist page on Deezer displays the wrong artist name, my artist name is Duy but on Deezer my artist page display is DuY.

Please help me fix the name of my artist from DuY to Duy.

My artist page:

Hey @BLKKKSKKKNHEAD, all done ✅

Hello @rain dream

Unfortunately, I can not merge so many artist pages together. 

The problem is on the artist's record label side, which distributed their music with 4 different artist names. 

Hello there @Shadan Naseh

Here is your new artist page:

You can claim it here. 

We have a community playlist where you can share your releases, you just need to add it to your favourites to edit it! 

Hey there, @nulasludge

I have removed all the releases that don’t belong to you. 

We have a community playlist where you can share your releases, you just need to add it to your favourites to edit it! 

Hello there @Flashboy

Here is your new artist page 😀

You can claim it here. 

We have a community playlist where you can share your releases, you just need to add it to your favourites to edit it! 

Hey there @isitjulie

Could you please send me the links of the albums that do not belong to the page? 

Hello @mateuspontesm

I have cleaned up the artist page, thank you! 
