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Notifications issue

  • November 21, 2024
  • 6 replies

Hi all

My notifications settings are all « on » so I should receive all notifications. 
Some of my favourite artists have recently released new albums and I never received any notifications. 
How is this possible ?

6 replies

Alien SuperStar

Hello ​@Micmic thanks for your post.

One explanation could be related to artists that have non-official releases or their profiles are not verified.

If you can share a link of one or two releases that you didn’t get notification, I can have a look at the system.

  • Author
  • Runaway Baby
  • 1 reply
  • December 8, 2024

Rose , last  album of Kimberose, as an example



@Leonídia.Deezer hi, I also had this issue with a few artists. For sure I didn’t get a notification of the new 40 Watt Sun album, Little Weight, and they are a favourited band. If the notification queue could be relied upon to notify of new releases (and it’s not far off) it would be a great and pretty unique feature. Thanks

Alien SuperStar

Hello ​@Micmic thanks. I checked the artist's most recent launch, and it was in September -

Didn’t you get content from that album in the tab Discovery - New releases?














As it has been a long time since that release, it is difficult for us to track what could have happened.

If you get a recent new release, that doesn’t show up on the “Bell icon” or on the New releases card, please let us know.

Alien SuperStar

Hi ​@hairresistance thanks for your post.

While the artist mentioned by the other user was official launch, this artist's profile - 40 Watt Sun - was not considered official.

Now it is fixed. But regarding, the release is also from September, which makes it challenging to investigate further.

If you get a recent new release, that doesn’t show up on the “Bell icon” or on the New releases card, please let us know.


@Leonídia.Deezer if I may venture a suggestion, it doesn't make any difference to the end user whether the artist is official/verified. Apart from anything else, many artists may not bother on every service or have the ability/time. If the user has favourited the profile, I think it a notification is expected and should appear no matter what the artist profile status is. Thanks again! 
