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Problem on deezer beta Android

  • October 18, 2023
  • 1 reply


Hello, @Fra Deezer@LeonĂ­dia.Deezer and everyone. 

Here are some problems with the deezer beta application for Android. I'm using an s10+, android 12, version

  1. So when I first open deezer, everything seems to work fine, but when I decide to reopen the application, the "deezer" logo flashes. See for yourself in the video. this problem has been present for a long time


  1. Then there's the decade-long problem. When I travel in the application, when I change pages, there's a sort of flashing. However, I've already uninstalled the application and reinstalled it. Erase cache, data... All your recommendations but still this flashing problem. It's on all the pages and sections in the deezer app! But on the "Concert" section, and only this one, the animation for page changes is smoother. There's no flash. See for yourself by comparing the last two videos.  


I've already made a similar topic on the French forum, but I'm bringing it back here to be closer to the developers. It's an optimization problem that slows down the application's performance. I've tested deezer beta on other Android devices and this problem is always present. Of course, on iOS this problem doesn't occur.
Why not postpone, copy and paste the animation of the "Concert" section throughout the application? 


1 reply

Fra Deezer
Dev Team
  • Dev Team
  • 18 replies
  • October 23, 2023

Hello minimoon,

Thank you for your message and the details.

I’m not in charge of the current Beta, but I will transfer your post to my colleagues.

