I like spamming new songs that I like into my aurifices [sic], so I choose repeat 1 🔂on the track on the song. Oft times the miserly app will repeat this only once, or ,ever the niggard, will not even repeat it at all, which pisses me off because I have to thence get my phone back out of where I'm stashing it on me, access it, then access the Deezer app, then try to repeat the song again, all the time while I'm now not walking on the footpath. Rinse and force-repeat. Normally once I've been forced to do this three times I'm ready to birth a farrow of squealing piglets out onto the slabs I've been forced to stop treading 🐷🐖🐽🐗
How fix if mystake?
Deezer YOU fix if Urstake!