Hello there,
A new beta version of our Android application is available : v7.0.7 (available since June 17th)
Release notes:
▷ /lyrics] In the lyrics page of a song, users can now click the "!" icon (in the top right corner) to report a problem regarding the lyrics.
When tapping the icon, a menu with multiple choices opens (synchronization error, matching issue, typo, etc.) and the user can select and submit a report.

▷ oflow] When playing a Flow mood, its name is now displayed at the top of the big player

Bug fixes:
▷ sDYNAMIC PAGES] The camera icon is now properly displayed in the direct play button on video content
▷ vfavorites] In the favorite Playlists page, the size of the "+" sign of the playlist creation button was increased for tablets
▷ efavorites] An album is no longer duplicated in the favorite Albums page when trying to remove it from favorites (from its options menu)
▷ mmessaging] Free restriction pop-ups don't pile up anymore when trying to skip more than 6 tracks on a free account
▷ cplaylist] The playlist creation screen now supports landscape mode
▷ ssettings] The validation button of the app rating screen is no longer hidden by the keyboard
▷ gTUNE MY MUSIC] Users are redirected to the right page in the app after consecutively visiting the TuneMyMusic website and changing themes (light/dark) in their app settings
▷ tflow] Prevented a crash in the Flow wheel
Enjoy your music!