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Since a while I am unable to listen live to NPO Radio 2 (Netherlands) anymore. Does anyone have an idea what is going wrong? 

I have already installed the app again and logged in again as well a few times. It's giving the notification: try-out again. 

Tried 3 different phones all the same errors 

Hi ​@markertje65 it is quite odd to be honest. I have not asked yet if this happens with all other radios or only with NPO?


Only all npo stations really strange

Hi Jaime,

I did some tests:

Android phone, Android tablet, web browser and an iPhone.

I noticed that it worked well on the Android phone, tablet and iPhone...but 1 thing struck me:

On my wife's phone I got the same error message. No matter what I tried (as mentioned above). Whatever I tried (as mentioned above).

The same Android Deezer update is used on all devices (and the iOS version on the iPhone), however...I use Android 13 on the phone and tablet and my wife uses Android 14.

So ​@markertje65 do you have Android 13 or 14?


I have android 14 

Can anyone else confirm this?

Does someone have both Android 13 and a Android 14 device and is willing to test NPO2 on both?

As far as I can see, on my side, is that all the NPO radio stations won’t work if you have Android 14.

Hello ​@awesomemac ​@markertje65 ​@Suus77 I was investigating this and found that in our support other users also complained about not been able to play this radio NPO Radio 2.

Nevertheless, after our recommendation to change in Deezer Audio settings, change the audio quality to HQ, that sorted the problem.

In the meantime, we are reviewing how to handle this situation as we have radios that don’t send the proper URL to play in the required quality.


I can not listen to any NPO radio with my phone/device in the car.

In the house same device no problem.


@wobbel53 Also Android 14?

No, android 13

Hi all, 

I've changed the Audio settings now to HQ (High Quality) and it seems to work again on my phone. 



it’s not THE solution, but a solution ​@Suus77. But I’m glad that this is working.
