
Missing artwork etc... still

  • 24 September 2022
  • 1 reply

  • Runaway Baby
  • 0 replies

An update around 3 months ago near destroyed my app in Android. There's no album art, I can't seem to download music anymore (it starts an endless downloading loop), and searching within my Favourite lists no longer works. I've been in touch with customer service and their suggestions didn't help. Have been waiting on a fix in an update but apparently that's not happening either, with the latest update doing nothing to improve things.


My version of Android is 6.0.1 and my phone is 5 years old. Hardly ancient, but is this it now? Do I have to accept it's not going to be fixed?

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hey there @DMa

I am afraid we will not be able to give you better advice than our Costumer Care.

Is there any way you could update your Android version? 

Have you re downloaded your music?