
What is the point of song/band preference?

  • 5 December 2022
  • 2 replies

I don't understand why when you sign up for Deezer they ask you to choose from a whole bunch of artists that are your preference when afterwards they end up playing/adding a ton of songs that aren't even close to what you chose and like? Like the daily mixes, most times I end up forwarding past a bunch of songs that aren't even close to what I like. I chose ALOT of different genres and artists leaving a ton of room to pick songs I would like to hear, but no, that's not what I get. It's annoying enough to move on from Deezer and try someone else altho I've been thru most of them already.

2 replies

Oh really?? Well I cant say I have clicked the love/heart button too many times but that goes back to the original question…. why do they even ask you your likes if they arent going to actually PLAY/OFFER them in the choices to play?? The ones i do like are always sprinkled in a bunch of ones i DONT like. LOL  I have found one daily playlist that I LOVED, still about 2 or 3 songs I had to click the “dont recommend” or whatever that was called to the right of the particular song, but I clicked out of the playlist after listening for several days to all the great songs but then I never could find it again. I asked CS about it, if it could be saved if you found one you liked but they said they cannot. Im quickly fading in my love for Deezer and if I could find a good one to replace it I would move on but I have tried the typical ones out there and that is why I switched over to Deezer so……. Im screwed I think in thinking I could pay for a sub and get music all day that was in my list of music i love which is ALOT of different genre’s TONS of songs they could choose, but nope you cant. Thanks for your input!

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This feature worked best for me after I “loved” a number of songs.

