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Are some tracks in USA streamable but not downloadable?

Hey @DJ Dunn 

I'm not aware that there is a download limit in the US, although you can stream.
Do you have an example?


It's usually the bands most popular song which makes me suspect it's just not available as offline.

If I add the song to a playlist, just under 500 tracks, these specific songs just don't download, but songs added after do, if I download the entire album, then just that track in the album does not download.

Here is my playlist

Everlast, what it's like, explicit version

Incubus, drive

Hoobastank, the reason,

Jimmy eats world, the middle

Lifehouse, you and me and hanging by a moment,

Oasis, wonderwall and champagne supernova

Panic at the disco, I write sins not tragedies

Puddle of Mudd, she hates me


hey @DJ Dunn are the songs that you mentioned greyed out in your playlist, with the message “this track is not available in your country”? as some songs might not be available in the US due to rights.


Are there really tracks that can be streamed but not downloaded due to local rights?

My suggestion to @DJ Dunn would now be to copy the supposedly faulty songs into a separate playlist and try the download there.

The device used has not yet been mentioned.


they arent grayed out till i go to offline mode, then it's greyed out. i tried downloading just the problem ones into my phone, it looks like they all downloaded.


its happening on my ibasso dx220 and my galaxy s22 ultra, i noticed it on my s22 ultra.


could this have anything to do with them being playlists imported from tidal? im rather new with deezer. would i be better off recreating my playlists?


i tried 

@dee_dirk oh no I meant if it is greyed out then it is not available in that country.
Have you tried Dirk’s suggestion a@DJ Dunn (to create a playlist with all those songs and try to download them)?
Thanks :)


I tried making a list and they won't download.

Here's the list


@DJ Dunn 

The songs are basically in the catalogue.
I just checked the test playlist. I have no problems with iPhone and beta version and German IP.

If the titles can be streamed normally in the USA, it will not be a licensing problem.

I think it has to do with the cache.

If the cache is emptied and the app is reinstalled if necessary, it could work again. Then unfortunately all downloads are gone. 😑

Thanks @DJ Dunn I just added and downloaded the playlists and I did not have any problem.
As Dirk say, it must be related to cache.
What happens when you click on download? Could you provide a video? 
Thank you very much


could this have anything to do with them being playlists imported from tidal? im rather new with deezer. would i be better off recreating my playlists?


Hey DJ,

I think you’re on to something with the imported playlists, I have used a couple different migration services in the past, and imported playlists are always problematic.

For example, any playlists I import using SongShift will not be recognized by my smart speakers (Echo devices or HomePods). I will get the message, “I can’t find that playlist.” If I rename or recreate the playlist, it works without a problem.

I’d be willing to bet that’s your issue.

Good luck,

