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My Deezer favorites are disappearing

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  • Lover
  • 35 replies
  • August 2, 2023

If anyone in this thread has playlists they have set to “public”, please can you provide me a link?  I’ll run the same checks to get more tangible numbers on how prevalent the issue is - I’m not sure if there is another way to see users playlists?

The larger the playlist the better.  Or a hyperlink to your favs since this list is also affected.

  • Lover
  • 35 replies
  • August 2, 2023

Hi again ^ ^

Found a few publicly available online - everyone has duplicates.


If filter not applied, apply filter, filter for 2 or more in one of the columns.



Nina Nebo
Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 4727 replies
  • August 3, 2023

Hi @Anon !

Song "Mulholland" is LP bonus track on album Assume Form. I don't know why is not marked as bonus ,and why that album is not marked also .


Why do albums have bonus tracks?
The extra tracks are there to provide an incentive for buying the domestic version.

Bonus tracks" on albums are typically songs that were not included on the original release of the album, but were added later as an extra for fans. These can be songs that were recorded during the album sessions but didn't make the final cut, or songs that were created afterwards. Sometimes, bonus tracks are also included as a way for the artist to promote new material, or to offer something extra for fans who purchase the album. They can also be added as a way for the artist to give back to the fans for their support.


Other album don’t have bonus track 


  • Lover
  • 35 replies
  • August 3, 2023

 @Nina Nebo 

Hi Nina

I do know what a bonus track is, but thanks for the reply regardless.  Not quite sure how this relates to the issue?  I wasn’t highlighting one track being 12 and the other 13 tracks, I’d already assumed one was a bonus.. I was highlighting two albums “kind of” exist, but on the artists discog they’re only hosting the 13 track - which actually is what one would expect ought to be the case.. just odd that there is this other one floating around somewhere.  Having the album uploaded twice seems redundant, unless perhaps Deezer only allows e.g. UK to have access to the 13 track album - but then I surely should have access to the 12 track album.  


Nevertheless, this was just another oddity I found, but I maybe should have included it in this thread, I just noticed it while I was checking for duplicates - that was the real point of that post.  I’ve checked tons of peoples playlists now, the average is about 3% at the moment.  That’s also just additional insight though, I expect that number will likely only grow over time for those who aren’t aware as to why their favs are seemingly dropping off, or their downloads no longer looking like they’re downloaded and therefore added to a playlist they know it ought to be in - and the system not recognising it’s already in the playlist.

Nina Nebo
Deezer Legend
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  • 4727 replies
  • August 4, 2023

Hi @Anon !

I know what you mean Anon .
My opinion is that second album need have been marked as expansion and then will see difference between these two albums and this is main problem . There are two albums which look same ,but it's not because is one song bonus in one of them .It's confusing .
If that will be change or remove from Deezer then album will be disappeared and everyone who have songs on their playlist from that album will need search another version of them .

Another issue is what will be happen with fans if some of duplicate album will be removed !?

I have few situations when is song on my playlist blurred .That's mean that is removed from Deezer. Sometimes you can change it with another edition ,but sometimes can't because it's not available at all .
Maybe that is way how fans can find again albums which are removed , but only if there is another version .

  • Lover
  • 35 replies
  • August 4, 2023

Aha yeah I also thought about the fans thing, I typed up a paragraph, but I thought it would take away from the issue at hand. It's a good question though and kind of related since it operates off the heart button, when an album is taken down and reuploaded through a new Provider, as Leo described it - the thing that is causing the problem in this thread, are fans wiped each time that occurs 🤔 

Regarding the taking down of the album itself, surely Deezer has a process for that? If they are creating unique IDs when changing Provider, but then linking the old ID to the new one, then it sounds like this process would just apply here too..

Blurred? As in - greyed out and you can't select it? Doesn't that track come back? I thought it was a licensing issue but the track can come back online.. 

  • Lover
  • 35 replies
  • August 4, 2023

@Nina Nebo 

Forgot 😊

Nina Nebo
Deezer Legend
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  • 4727 replies
  • August 4, 2023


Well , some things need to be solved ...we was point the problem
and now will see what will be .

My opinion is that Deezer is doing all right .But sometimes can be issue which need to fix ,
When is blurred image of album in your playlist ,it's because album or song is removed from Deezer . Probably reason is with authors rights or something like that . Sometimes you can change for another similar version ,and sometimes is totally removed .

  • Lover
  • 35 replies
  • August 4, 2023

Like the top one, Nina?





There is no option to replace the track, only delete - however, if I just click into the deluxe album the track is actually available for listening even though it says it isn’t and is greyed out, they’ve just changed ‘Provider’ again……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

DEEZER, as subscribers are we really expected to carry out this level of maintenance on our playlists?

  • If a track comes up which you know you hearted as a favourite, but now no longer has a heart, go check your favs to see whether it’s there before clicking heart again, otherwise you’ll have duplicates
  • If a track doesn’t come up as downloaded to an album when you know you have downloaded it, go check all playlists you may have placed it in to make sure it’s still there before you re-add it, otherwise you’ll have duplicates
  • Check periodically through thousands of tracks (tens of thousands for some) to see if they are greyed out - if they are, you can possibly replace them but that option might not be working, in which case click into the album because the track might actually already be there and working, so check there, but then before/after you re-add it make sure you go back and delete the other one, otherwise you’ll have duplicates

This started out as a seemingly simple query about tracks possibly going missing.. it’s becoming more convoluted the more I look at it 😆  I still love your service, but it’d be really great if you started showing some concern about this.

@Nina Nebo




  • Lover
  • 35 replies
  • August 4, 2023





It’s also worth highlighting that I’m aware I have 115ish duplicates because I’ve used code to grab my track lists and used advanced excel functions to make the checking process efficient… for most people, this is just an invisible issue that they’ll occasionally wonder about when they see the odd greyed out track, or a track that seems like it’s disappeared off their favs, or missing a green tick on an album.  And even now that I know I have 115… how long will it take to go back and clean it?  But even then, this issue is only bound to repeat itself over time, so there is a permanent need for playlist maintenance.


Additionally, I can’t even use the process I created to see how many tracks in my playlists are greyed out, so maintaining my 5,000 tracks is in fact a manual process I have to do, and until I’ve completed the process, I don’t know how many greyed out tracks I have - if any - but until I complete the process, I can forget about those tracks I wanted to listen to ever playing again?  So it’s a process I am required to complete in order to use Deezer as a streaming service? - Only if, of course, I want to listen to all the tracks I’ve been adding to my playlists.

Appreciate your feedback - and correction if I have misunderstood the issue at hand here..

Nina Nebo
Deezer Legend
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  • 4727 replies
  • August 4, 2023


But you can replace the song . Deezer  is offer you REPLACE or
DELETE TRACK FROM PLAYLIST . You need click on song above and then click on replace and that's it .
There can be option when it's no able to replace song ,and then is not offered songs for replacement only remove blurred song which is not available anyway.
Unfortunately ,you need some effort for check your playlist ,and manually replace song which is blurred if is that option there ,or remove if replacement is not available .


  • Lover
  • 35 replies
  • August 4, 2023

@Nina Nebo 

Yes, you are correct! Thank you. That's my mistake which makes me happy, but still only means this issue is one step back.


Notwithstanding, it's totally unreasonable, in my opinion, to lay this task on the end-user when it's a task that can be automated. Why make every user have to commit a considerable amount of time to something a bit of well designed database and coding can resolve? 

Nina Nebo
Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 4727 replies
  • August 4, 2023


Only you can manage your playlist ,add or remove song .
I think is good solution that you can replace it and it's  easy way how it's work .
They need remove album or song for some reason ... and there is notice if is that heppen . What if remove without notice that is song no more available ... first you maybe will don't know which song missing in your playlist ,and second you will need search again ... that is worst .
Better is how it is .


  • Lover
  • 35 replies
  • August 4, 2023

@Nina Nebo

With all due respect, Nina, you're wrong on this one, and it's not ok. There's no reason this process cannot be automated. Absolutely no need to place this burden on the consumer. This is one of the beautiful aspects of tech - automation. Why use Google/Apple maps? Just use a map. Why send an email when a man can hand deliver it? Better yet, deliver it yourself. No, sorry, this issue can and ought to be fixed. 

Nina Nebo
Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
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  • August 4, 2023


It's fine by me . 
Wish you luck Anon  to wait that moment when will be like you say .

  • Lover
  • 35 replies
  • August 4, 2023

@Nina Nebo


Thanks for the replies <3
