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ZODIAC : Air Signs and Music ♊ ♎ ♒ 🎶

  • October 24, 2024
  • 3 replies

Nina Nebo
Deezer Legend



AIR is the third element of the Zodiac 

Air signs are : Gemini ,Libra and Aquarius


♊ ♎ ♒



What Stars say about Air Signs and their relationships to the music !?

Air signs are all about communication, so any track that has amazing lyrics is going to be great for them but they can also love electronic music like techno and house. Of all the signs, the air signs really appreciate new technology in music most, so when it comes to new trends or music that sounds different, they will love it.



Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Geminis tend to be all about lyrics. Words and communication are very important to the sign, and they are known to be very fast thinkers and speakers. This leads to many Geminis enjoying and/or appreciating rap music specifically. Since rap lyrics are generally more significant - plus a large portion of rappers are actually Geminis - the sign is quite drawn to artists who are well versed in the genre.
While Geminis like to do whatever they want and follow their own path, this is something that many of them can relate on. They love listening to edgier music with meaning behind it rather than something shallow or with few deep lyrics. Genres like rap, hip hop, and others that hold some sort of sentiment and/or meaning to the artist themselves usually create a connection with many Geminis. This style of music isn't universal for everyone with the sign, so there are definitely different preferences had by others, especially the older generations. Although, while possibly quite different from rap or hip hop, the general theme of lyrical importance is naturally common for all Geminis, no matter if they prefer entirely different genres.



Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Since Libra is ruled by Venus, it makes sense that the sign loves everything about love. Libras are naturally inclined to be romantic and have a deep appreciation for beauty, which has a fairly significant impact on their lives. Naturally, they either have exciting love lives or are longing for the romance that they are lacking, leading to some inner turmoil. They also thrive on good communication, so creative outlets like music are very important for them to express themselves.

This causes many Libras to enjoy those extremely cheesy love songs that mostly only water signs appreciate. This is strange for an air sign, but it's just the nature of Libras and the fact that the planet representing love and beauty is a huge influence on the sign. They just can't help it.



Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)


Aquarians are very independent and strong-minded individuals, so it is fair to say that they don't confine themselves to any certain genre of music. They listen to whatever they enjoy, but there is a common characteristic of their preferences. Since it's such a strong sign that is known to be very egalitarian and humanitarian, Aquarians are typically drawn towards alternative music along with whatever resonates with their personal feelings of independence, empowerment, etc.

They have very specific tastes that can range across all genres, yet it is rare for them to stick to anything currently mainstream or to listen exclusively to one genre. They are described as having very interesting and/or alternative music tastes that often include songs or artists that reflect their own values as people. They are the ones to inflict change on the world, and that translates into much of their lives, including the media and art forms they expose themselves to.


by Holly & Daisy Jones



 ♊ ♎ ♒


If you are Gemini ,Libra or Aquarius by Zodiac,

leave your comment below and tell us :
do you believe in astrology

and do you find a similarity with the one of the zodiac signs described above and their relationships to the music !?


 ♊ ♎ ♒


Or just say what is your Zodiac sign and share songs which can present you !



Search here for other Zodiac signs  👇



3 replies

Alien SuperStar

I’m a Taurus!

One of the songs that really resonates with me is "We Are the World" by U.S.A. for Africa.

It’s such a powerful anthem about unity and making a difference, which I feel aligns with my grounded nature and desire to contribute positively to the world.

Taurus is known for being dependable and strong-willed, and this song really captures that spirit of coming together for a greater cause.


Nina Nebo
Deezer Legend
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Nina Nebo
Deezer Legend
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