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DeeQuickly - Smart playlists launcher for Deezer (Windows only )

  • December 23, 2022
  • 0 replies

Noam Asulin
Deezer Legend

Hello everyone .

One of the things I have noticed while using Deezer in the last 6 years is the fact not much third party tools to extend the using of Deezer are available . Spotify , as the most popular Music streaming service out there has a lot third party apps .

​ So I decided to try and create one by myself .

It is not anything fancy but I do think you can benefit from it .

​ DeeQuickly gives the user fast access to deezer smart playlists :

  • Monday Discovery

  • Inspired by (x5)

  • Anual top

  • Friday releases

  • Top of the month

​ While I tested the app as much as I could, I'll be happy if you send me some feedback (Email address is available in the readme file on github)

​ The link below is for the exe file(Don't you worry , it's not a virus hehe ) . All you have to do is downloading it and run it ,



​ The readme file includes instructions of use .

Once you choose your desired playlist , stop using the computer for a few seconds and let the app do the necessary actions .


​ Thank you al

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