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Why are some albums/titles only in mp3 format?

Some songs and albums are in mp3 format only.

E.g. The album "Songs from the Southland" by Hans Theesink.

Especially regarding the song "St. James Infirmery" it must almost be considered blasphemy, compressing this gift from above, to a format the devil made in anger, only to piss off us hysterical audiophile nerds.. ;)

Anyway, please let recordings as fine as this one, get free from beeing compressed further than to the 1411kb/s


That said, i love your platform, and find that alot of titles actually sounds better on Deezer HiFi than on Qobuz HiRes, despite being 24bit 192khz. I dont know if some of their titles are just upscaled mp3's, but one could suspect so..


Best regards

Martin Jespersen

2 replies

Deezer Legend

Right, it is one of the rare HQ albums in the catalogue. This also depends on the distributor or label, in this case Blue Groove who released the album in 2003. I don’t know if the Deezer catalogue team would request a FLAC version in this case, maybe a community manager can forward this to them.

Alien SuperStar

Hi @MartinOfGrayskull, thanks for your message and thanks @bluezzbastardzz for your help.

Regarding your feedback, I've already shared it with our developers, and I'm waiting for their response.

Once I receive more information, I'll let you know
