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Deezer Discord Rich Presence Integration!!

  • November 3, 2022
  • 8 replies

Dear Deezer,


  • In my opinion you guys are kind of sleeping on the Discord Rich Presence Idea we the community have been requesting over the course of 2-3 years and the community has also included some great points into creating this feature possible! In my opinion you guys are really sleeping on this opportunity right now, Spotify has this feature, displaying the artist, the current song playing, how much time has elapsed etc. It would be really neat to have this with Deezer too! I don’t want to switch just because of a single feature Spotify and Discord have! You guys should try and do this and let the community know how it goes, keep us updated. So many platforms have joined the Rich Presence thing it’s ridiculous that Deezer is excluded! There’s such an opportunity! Hope I was informative.

    - A Deezer User.

8 replies

True, I switch to Spotify just because of that feature and because of how Spotify looks, but we DEFINITELY need that Discord feature

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • August 1, 2023

Discord rich presence is pretty much a must have for Deezer at this point. I recently switched to Deezer from Spotify and I miss rich presence a lot.

Up voting this after a year - I really like the feature to be able to see what other’s are hearing and sharing my music that way. It’d give Deezer more edge against Spotify as well 👍🏻


This would provide Deezer some great visibility!

Deezer Legend

You mean something like this? 😉 Install the Music Presence app available on GitHub on your computer which supports many media players and streaming sites including Deezer now:

The current version is 2.2.4, and you have to use the Discord desktop app, not their web interface as well as the Deezer desktop app, as it will not work with the Deezer web player. There is no mobile version either, but the developer is very active and planning support for more ways to use his app elsewhere besides only desktop computers. You can also contact him on his own Discord server, see e.g. this popup menu when hovering the app icon in the Windows systray or use this invite link

Music Presence systray menu

I forgot to mention that version 2.2.4 has an additional button below the profile info for other Deezer users on Discord to connect to the currently playing song in the web player, but you cannot see this button when checking your own Discord profile, so it is not included in the above screenshot.

Maybe a community manager can merge this thread with the existing idea about Discord Rich Presence implementation, too?

Deezer Discord rich presence | Deezer Community, bringing music lovers together

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • January 25, 2025
bluezzbastardzz wrote:

You mean something like this? 😉 Install the Music Presence app available on GitHub on your computer which supports many media players and streaming sites including Deezer now:

The current version is 2.2.4, and you have to use the Discord desktop app, not their web interface as well as the Deezer desktop app, as it will not work with the Deezer web player. There is no mobile version either, but the developer is very active and planning support for more ways to use his app elsewhere besides only desktop computers. You can also contact him on his own Discord server, see e.g. this popup menu when hovering the app icon in the Windows systray or use this invite link

Music Presence systray menu

I forgot to mention that version 2.2.4 has an additional button below the profile info for other Deezer users on Discord to connect to the currently playing song in the web player, but you cannot see this button when checking your own Discord profile, so it is not included in the above screenshot.

Maybe a community manager can merge this thread with the existing idea about Discord Rich Presence implementation, too?

Deezer Discord rich presence | Deezer Community, bringing music lovers together

this is actually awesome and works perfectly, this will be my bridge until deezer evetually decides to insert themselfes into the discord space. (which could be never considering theyve been dodging it for almost a decade now..) very easy installation + a lot of features I wasnt expecting, overall great work! I can very highly recommend to anyone struggling with the non existent integration!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • March 8, 2025
bluezzbastardzz wrote:

You mean something like this? 😉 Install the Music Presence app available on GitHub on your computer which supports many media players and streaming sites including Deezer now:

The current version is 2.2.4, and you have to use the Discord desktop app, not their web interface as well as the Deezer desktop app, as it will not work with the Deezer web player. There is no mobile version either, but the developer is very active and planning support for more ways to use his app elsewhere besides only desktop computers. You can also contact him on his own Discord server, see e.g. this popup menu when hovering the app icon in the Windows systray or use this invite link

Music Presence systray menu

I forgot to mention that version 2.2.4 has an additional button below the profile info for other Deezer users on Discord to connect to the currently playing song in the web player, but you cannot see this button when checking your own Discord profile, so it is not included in the above screenshot.

Maybe a community manager can merge this thread with the existing idea about Discord Rich Presence implementation, too?

Deezer Discord rich presence | Deezer Community, bringing music lovers together

This seems really cool! I'm just wondering though, does this work on Linux? I tried something similar but it didn't work with the deezer app for Linux (it's a third-party flatpak). Do you know if the developer has any plans on broadening support to Linux? (Or if deezer has any plans on making an official app for linux?) Thanks!

Deezer Legend
Mr_1077 wrote:

This seems really cool! I'm just wondering though, does this work on Linux? I tried something similar but it didn't work with the deezer app for Linux (it's a third-party flatpak). Do you know if the developer has any plans on broadening support to Linux? (Or if deezer has any plans on making an official app for linux?) Thanks!

As far as I remember, a Linux desktop version of Music Presence is on the roadmap. You can join the Discord server where the developer is very active:

There is a related thread on his GitHub page, too:

Support for Linux · Issue #26 · ungive/discord-music-presence
