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Stop music during vibrate phone

Related products:Android
Nina Nebo
  • Nina Nebo
    Nina Nebo

Hi everybody!

At the beginning of using Deezer on my phone, when I was listening music and my phone was in vibrate mode, if someone called me, the music stopped immediately. If I didn't answer, the music resumed again.

This mode was perfect, I never missed a phone call.

Since few months, with the same phone but after different update of the Deezer app and Android, the behaviour changed. Now the music continu even if someone called me… and it's really a nightmare…

 Without laughing, I really missed tens of phone calls because of this change… including professional phone calls… and I'm thinking of changing my music app only because of this...

I don't know if the change was wished or not, but a parameter to set the desired behaviour is a must have for me.

My phone is a Google pixel 4a.

Android 13.

Deezer app

However, I saw the app evolved a lot last months in the good way, I like new features, well done to the tech team ;)

Thank you.


Ps : I'm french and don't speak English very well, sorry for mistakes.

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