
Queue list disappear after I quit the pc Deezer app

  • 7 January 2024
  • 5 replies


My queue list seems to disappear each time I quit the app on  my PC and it won’t sync at all with my phone. 

I use the app mostly on my computer (Deezer app, Windows 10 pro)  and sometimes on my phone (android).

Cloud-synced queue list is turned on in all apps on all devices.

I tested on browser and I have the same problem. Also tried to reinstall the app.

Never had an issue with queue list before, but now queue list is useless :(

Is there anything I’m doing wrong ? Or anything I can do to fix this ?


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5 replies


It seems like you're experiencing issues with the queue list synchronization between the Deezer app on your PC (Windows 10 Pro) and your Android phone. Despite having the cloud-synced queue list enabled on all devices, you've noticed that the queue list disappears each time you quit the app on your PC, and there's no synchronization with your phone.

To troubleshoot this problem, consider the following steps:

  1. Check Internet Connection: Ensure that both your PC and phone have a stable internet connection. Synchronization issues often arise from connectivity issues.

  2. Update Deezer App: Make sure you have the latest version of the Deezer app installed on both your PC and Android phone. Outdated versions can sometimes cause synchronization problems.

  3. Verify Cloud Sync Settings: Double-check the cloud-synced queue list settings on both devices to ensure they are properly enabled. Sometimes, toggling the sync feature off and on again can help.

  4. Restart Devices: Try restarting both your PC and Android phone. Rebooting devices can resolve temporary glitches.

  5. Clear Cache: Clear the cache on both the PC and Android app. Cached data inconsistencies might be causing synchronization problems.

  6. Review Privacy Settings: Ensure that privacy settings on both devices are not preventing the synchronization. Check if there are any firewall or security settings that might be blocking the process.

If the issue persists after trying these steps, it might be a bug or a technical problem that requires assistance from Deezer's support team. They can provide personalized guidance and investigate the issue further.

Hope this helps!


I tried everything you said, and it’s still not working :(

Userlevel 7
Badge +12


Hi @Ha.a.dès !

I notice when open Deezer on PC  I can't open queue .



But when start play any song ,then is queue available.

Before isn't be so !

Yeah tha’ts exactly the problem, on pc the queue is reseted when I close the app.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

I also have this problem for a few days now in the web player. By the way, the first reply is just commercial spam hiding behind an AI created answer.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Ha.a.dès, thanks for sharing that information.

Our developers are aware of some issues with synchronization of content between devices and they are working on a better integration.

Unfortunately, we still don't have an ETA to deploy this new solution as this process is not yet finalized.