
choose flow mood in lg webos app

  • 5 November 2022
  • 5 replies

Userlevel 1

hey guys,

is it possible?

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5 replies

Hey @dylanaver,

According to the current status, the Flow Moods cannot be used with LG (or other TVs).

However, the TV app emulator can display the moods.

@Yula / @Jaime.: Could you please ask the developers about this? Thanks.


Userlevel 1

what’s TV app emulator please?


You can emulate the TV app in a browser:

Userlevel 1

I opened the emulator in my lg tv browser and logged it. it works. I can now listen to flow mood on my tv.

less comfortable though, you really should add it to the tv app…

thanks for the help.


Not bad. I would not have thought of using the TV browser in combination with the emulator. Thanks for the info that this works.