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Random app Crashes while offline listening at AppleWatch

When listening downloaded music at Apple Watch sometimes app have random crashes.

6 replies

Userlevel 2
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Apple Watch First Generation

Userlevel 7
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Hey @Zaznetkherson 

According to the Apple Store, the Deezer app for Apple Watch requires at least watchOS 8.0. I think the first Apple Watch only received watchOS 6 from Apple. This could be the reason why the Deezer app keeps crashing.

watchOS 8 is only available for Apple Watch 3 and above.

Userlevel 2
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Today found situation, when app "crash" to select mode screen at phone where you can select offline or online mode. 

I'm select offline, but after hour of listening this things came again 

Userlevel 2
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WatchOS version 10.04


Userlevel 2
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Apple Watch First Generation


UPD. Apple Watch SE first generation

Userlevel 2
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Problem not solved yet.... Sometimes app crashed or stop playing music
