
Sort Tracks in an Album by Title, Length, Popularity, or Track Number

We used to have the ability to sort tracks in an album by title, length, popularity, and of course track number, at least in the web app. This is no longer possible in the web app, and it’s also not possible in the macOS or Android apps. Now the only way to sort tracks is to add them to a playlist first. This is quite a decrease in functionality. Restoring it would be a good way for Deezer to distinguish itself from Apple Music, Spotify, etc., which don’t have the capability. So please restore the ability to sort tracks in an album by title, track number, length, and popularity.

By the way, there’s another suggestion like this by @jacob1122 here, but @Yula mistakenly moved the votes to a different suggestion pertaining to playlists, which as far as I can tell, already have the sort ability. This idea is about tracks in albums, not playlists.

I used this functionality all the time I took this latest mobile update this functionality (along with many others) have vanished. 

Can we please have it back. - thank you 

I didn’t even did noticed this, but indeed, it’s gone. I can understand why you (and others) want this back.

Hi, the sorting feature is really useful. I have a few playlists that I have set up so that they can play either by newest it oldest. It is a good idea for playlist where you want to increase the BPM or decrease the BPM, depending on your needs.


But apparent it is actually there. It is just hidden behind the three dots.... If you can get them to stay in one place.Â