
Single track play in playlist

Need feature for play only one track in playlist. After play need stop.
Hi there @rkm432

Could you explain in a bit more detail? If I understood correctly, this would be a difficult feature to add in the near future - as you can try workarounds in the meantime. Please let me know.
Hi there @rkm432

Could you explain in a bit more detail? If I understood correctly, this would be a difficult feature to add in the near future - as you can try workarounds in the meantime. Please let me know.

When I working, sometimes I want listen one song. But Deezer playing next. Now I can only create playlist with one track, but it's not comfortable. I had to switch off Recommended songs for it.
Thanks for explaining, I've passed it on 😉

They did added this "play single" mode but now is REMOVED, i can't find it anymore! Also the "30 seconds track preview" is also REMOVED (i'm premium), i can't find any of these two, can you guys add it again? It was really useful, now i need to create a playlist to play ONLY ONE TRACK and i need to play the entire music to find if it's of my taste or not. This is terrible.


Hi there @SH4D0W 

Thanks for your feedback. The 30-second preview is a feature for Deezer Free users.

The one track playlist has no plans to return to the app for the time being, but we appreciate your input, I'll make sure to pass your comment to the right teams here :thumbsup_tone2:

Play single track would be also very useful when listening a podcast. Now all next episodes are being played. Very annoying, so I never use the deezer app for listening podcasts.Â