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Scrobble tracks properly to/Improvements to integration

  • jav_n
  • Eli Akerman H
  • jeremybonan
  • Ell_
  • miniMEGA29
  • Kevin Deezer
  • Jorge.Flores
  • larvie
  • tophatnosocks
  • pencilled_robin

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99 replies

Deezer Legend
Yes, it started yesterday when only a few scrobbles were submitted. This morning most of them have been added, it seems.

Tiny Dancer
I guess it's taking a while. A lot of mine are still missing.

Deezer Legend
There probably is a backlog due to some failure, my current Deezer scrobbles are also dripping in at the moment. I don't know how caching scrobbles works with Deezer's internal scrobbling option, so I can only guess. Using their web player together with the Web Scrobbler browser extension should work though.

Tiny Dancer
I just have to be patient then (when it comes to deezer and seems like that's the only choice we ever have anyways). I just keep refreshing the page because I'm looking for this one song that came up on my flow. I'll just check my listening history instead. I don't want to forget what I was looking for.

Deezer Legend
Deezer also has an internal listening history, hidden in the dropdown menu of the More tab on My Music page. You have to scroll down to see earlier played tracks, and it does not go back very far, but maybe it is enough for you to find that specific song.

Tiny Dancer
Yeah that's what I meant. Luckily the specific track I was looking for was around number 50 on the list.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • June 25, 2019
It's been more than years with the scrobbles for artists with ampersands "&" not being scrobbled correctly... It's very annoying... Please fix it!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • June 26, 2019
I will join the list of people who would like to see scrobbling issues fixed

I am joining the demand for correction of “&”. It’s very frustrating indeed!

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • December 19, 2019

Thanks for your support @NotAnotherUsername :wink:

Deezer Legend
NotAnotherUsername wrote:

I am joining the demand for correction of “&”. It’s very frustrating indeed!

There is a new userscript for the Tampermonkey browser extension which improves the standard bulk scrobble editing feature of, see this Reddit thread:

You can e.g. add the missing ampersand symbols of the internal Deezer scrobbling option in artist, album and track names with one edit now.

You still have to be a Pro user to use it of course.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • February 8, 2020

And the employer of the month is…

:sweat_smile:  just joking, great tip @bluezzbastardzz! Check it out, Pro users :thumbsup_tone2:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • March 10, 2020


I have a running mistake with my scrobbles. Somehow “&” disappears while it gets from deezer to I had this problem with artists’s songs and album names. And I was ignoring this issue until I scrobbled an artist with “&” in its name and it scrobbled incorrectly. Of course it’s a completely different artist for

I don’t understand how it happens and what to do, because I use deezer scrobbler for

Can you help me with this issue?

how it looks while I listen on deezer:


how it scrobbles:

and it happens to every name (song, album) with “&” in it.

p.s. also I use web version of deezer.

Deezer Legend

Known long-time issue with Deezer’s internal scrobbling, see e.g. these two threads:

You could use the browser extension Web Scrobbler to scrobble with the Deezer web player instead which also has some other extra features like an edit option for the current track and remembering your edits.

As a Pro user you could edit your past wrong scrobbles in your library, see the official FAQ on’s support forum for more details and screenshots:

Also note that ampersand symbols in track names are left out as well, also all additions in brackets like (feat. xyz). Furthermore anything with a plus sign will not scrobble at all, e.g. Mike + The Mechanics or Florence + The Machine, so check for these missing artists, albums and tracks, too.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • March 11, 2020

Hi there @Lena Kotek 

Thanks a lot for your input - and apologies for the bad scrobbling. I've moved your comment and @bluezzbastardzz reply here so that you can support an existing idea about this. Please don't forget to vote! :wink:

Deezer Legend

I forgot to mention another feature of the Web Scrobbler browser extension which the internal Deezer option does not offer: It shows the “Scrobbling now” track in your Recent Tracks list, so you can e.g. use it for other external apps like the Discord gaming chat app which has an inofficial server, too, where you can show your currently playing track on Deezer then. :slight_smile:

Another useful app which depends on the “Scrobbling now” track being present is the fullscreen online tool Descent which can show your current Deezer track on a big screen or a second monitor then.

  • Chart topper
  • 2597 replies
  • July 9, 2020

Would be nice to send now playing, right now on my it shows as song is ended played 1 minute ago etc. Now playing you can’t see in real time. Also found that remix version is not transferred. For example Armin Van Buuren - All On Me (Brennan Heart VIP Remix) is shown on as original edit Armin Van Buuren - All On Me. This is not the remix I listened, I listened Brennan Heart VIP Mix. Thank you for your time reading. Hope it gets fixed.

  • Chart topper
  • 2597 replies
  • July 9, 2020
bluezzbastardzz wrote:

I forgot to mention another feature of the Web Scrobbler browser extension which the internal Deezer option does not offer: It shows the “Scrobbling now” track in your Recent Tracks list, so you can e.g. use it for other external apps like the Discord gaming chat app which has an inofficial server, too, where you can show your currently playing track on Deezer then. :slight_smile:

Another useful app which depends on the “Scrobbling now” track being present is the fullscreen online tool Descent which can show your current Deezer track on a big screen or a second monitor then. See this support thread for more details and screenshots.


I changed to Web Scrubbler and turned Deezer scrobbler off.

It delivered to the with right metadata as All On Me (Brennan Heart VIP Mix).

Deezer scrobbler skips (Zatox Remix Edit) etc. which makes it unusable

On phone I needed to connect with official scrubbler. Now I can see exact DJ mixes, not just labeled as original each, which is plain wrong. Now I can see which DJ mixes I stream the most.

You just saved my life and returned my love for the hard dance music Deezer Legend.

Have a look at my here with glasses as you may not heard any song before.

Thank you!!!

Deezer Legend

That is our job as Deezer Legends: saving lives! :wink: By the way, there are other external Android scrobbling apps which can scrobble correctly from Deezer, too, like Pano Scrobbler or Scroball. On iOS you would have to rely on the internal Deezer scrobbling option though, as iOS prevents third party apps from accessing external sites.

In your quote there is an outdated link to the old Get Satisfaction support forum for which is disabled now. But there is a new support forum hosted on Discourse which doesn’t have a related thread about Descent yet, the fullscreen online tool for currently playing tracks. Pro users can also have an internal fullscreen view by simply clicking on “Scrobbling now” in their recent tracks list. Here are two screenshots:

Descent in fullscreen mode pressing F11 “Now playing” for Pro users


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • July 22, 2020

How is this still not implemented after 2 years.

It is not even that much work. I am not planning to use Deezer without correctly working scrobbling.

I don't want to delete my wrong scrobbles from my after every listening session on Deeser.

Deezer Legend

Well, you could edit instead of deleting them, but that would afford a subscription. And if you don’t use a desktop computer, editing scrobbles on a mobile device can be tiring, I guess.

Fixing the broken internal Deezer scrobbling would also be my favorite update, even before gapless playback. :wink:


  • Chart topper
  • 2597 replies
  • July 23, 2020
bluezzbastardzz wrote:

Well, you could edit instead of deleting them, but that would afford a subscription. And if you don’t use a desktop computer, editing scrobbles on a mobile device can be tiring, I guess.

Fixing the broken internal Deezer scrobbling would also be my favorite update, even before gapless playback. :wink:


I still use additional srubblers, because Deezer one is no go.

I hope they can implement it they way I and we want it… then I could get rid about excess apps.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • July 27, 2020
bluezzbastardzz wrote:

Well, you could edit instead of deleting them, but that would afford a subscription. And if you don’t use a desktop computer, editing scrobbles on a mobile device can be tiring, I guess.

Fixing the broken internal Deezer scrobbling would also be my favorite update, even before gapless playback. :wink:


Yes, more logical seems just fixing what is broken in the first place.
Now people use additional 3rd party software because deezers feature is broken.
I think it would even be better to just have NO scrobbling instead of not functioning scrobbling.


I don't even want to edit these specific ones because it's duplicate scrobbles. The tagging is not wrong. But it should not have been scrobbled 2 times in the first place.

I do have a subscription by the way. Not only does Deezer mess up my stats, but Spotify has terrible tagging, so I love to fix it all.

And for the people who have a subscription too, there's a userscript that makes fixing all scrobbles of a certain song/album very easy in one go. (bulk editing)
If you are interested in how to get it set up, here's the link to the Reddit post:

Deezer Legend

You only get duplicate scrobbles from Deezer if you use both methods, i.e. their internal scrobbling and the Web Scrobbler browser extension or an Android scrobbling app. So you have to decide which one you prefer, e.g. I use the internal option, because I listen with the Deezer desktop app most of the time.

Andre Osokin
Tiny Dancer

@Rudi @Flo.Deezer Hi guys

can we please have some status and timeline on this development?


thanks a lot!
