
Display Total Number of Streams for Artist & Tracks to fans

Related products: Features

Submitting for consideration the idea to make number of streams visible to fans. Adding this feature will bring a variety of benefits. Here are a few.

  • Fan interaction - communities enjoy being able to view the number of streams their fav has on a music platform. Fans enjoy making goals, pushing for daily streams, and more. 
  • Artist position - viewing artist position for potential platform firsts or milestones is very encouraging to fans. It would be very helpful to see the next level that the artist is approaching.
  • Account increase for premium  - adding this feature as an option on premium only can help with the Deezer platform growth!

Based on the current set up, fans are not able to view this information - even those that have a premium account. Adding this feature can help with the above. Please consider adding as an option.

Yes yes yes!

This level of transparency would increase Deezers legitimacy and usefulness among many fan communities, including BTS ARMY. One reason we dont push the platform harder is because we cannot see precise stream numbers. Consider the growth potential for Deezer if this were to change. For context, the app Stationhead was barely known until ARMY began promoting it for our use. 

🤔 so last fm?   Eh, I'm not against building it in, I just think landscape and videos are a much higher priority.  

I do use last fm, so I basically already have this. btw Deezer’s last fm that is built in, has been the very best and most reliable method for last fm, I've tried them all. 

Interesting that all the accounts that voted up were created on April 6th.

🤔 so last fm?   Eh, I'm not against building it in, I just think landscape and videos are a much higher priority.  

I do use last fm, so I basically already have this. btw Deezer’s last fm that is built in, has been the very best and most reliable method for last fm, I've tried them all. 

Isn't last fm only to track personal streams? I think the request here if I understand correctly is just to be able to see the total number of streams of a song gloabally, just a regular stream counter visible to listeners!😊

Interesting that all the accounts that voted up were created on April 6th.

Hi there, I’m not sure what is being implied here, but I shared my post in a music community space that uses Deezer as a streaming option and where we enjoy and discuss music! While I have had Deezer for a bit, my community account was created on April 5th as the kind Deezer support team shared that the request feature is a great way to recommend new features. I also shared the community space the same day with said music space, which is why some fellow music enjoyers that use the platform for streaming may have created their community accounts. Thank you!