Hey @isaina no updates about this yet, but we've been presenting our ideas to product managers recently. So hopefully with more votes this can be bumped in the queue.
KaiOS is the world’s third major mobile platform now...so if you can develop one for KaiOS you can beat Spotify in the race :) Since most of your apps are web-based, and you already have a JS library for Deezer, I think creating a KaiOS app is entirely plausible. Maybe call it ‘Deezer Lite’ like how Spotify does it on Android with ‘Spotify Lite’?
That's what I'm talking about @jkelol111 you elevated this idea to another level
I'll be passing your comments to our developers for consideration. Especially because we're looking into having a 'Lite' version for mobiles with less capacity
Yes! I’m thinking into disconnect me from the common smartphones, I just to have Music and Whatsapp, so I have all my music library into deeezer. I think this is the only one thing that is stopping me from buying a kaiOS phone.
I wonder which music service will bring some kind of support to KaiOS.
It appears more and more people are considering feature phones and laying their smartphone to rest.
Being one of those people, the moment a quality music service becomes available for that platform, I will be going with that service fully.
Why not allow the community to create an unofficial frontend of sorts. Proprietary bits can stay that way, if there is web interface or even a command line version that would allow coders to build an overlay?
Just thoughts, but if Deezer does not wish officially support KaiOS, this is an option that many other companies exploit. It becomes a “use at own risk” type of thing, but would create an immediate feedback mechanism for Deezer to see if it is viable to officially support.
Hi, I'm just here to chime in and say that I would also very much look forward to a KaiOS app. I'm switching to a feature phone this week, and although I plan to get a DAP with deezer support eventually, being able to use deezer on a feature phone would be super handy.
Fellow users.. please note that Deezer is famous for dragging even the most obvious updates. I would love to see this happen but I have absolutely no faith at all.