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Custom tags/ratings/tag songs and then create dynamic playlists

It would be great if you could tag songs with your own categories and then use those to generate a playlist based on those tags. For example if you had tagged songs previously in your library you could then tell Deezer to generate a playlist based on the tags ‘happy’ ‘rock’ and ‘party’ and it would put together a playlist of all the songs with those tags. It could then use tags assigned by other users matching the ones you’ve used to suggest similar songs you might like based on those tags

43 replies

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 8634 replies
  • January 17, 2019
Hi Mike, thanks for the suggestion, I will pass it on to the right team!

  • 1 reply
  • May 13, 2019
It could be very nice function to assign some my personal tag/star/note for the favorite (or even for any) track/album/playlist etc. Main reason - some track/album/playlist may be my favorite for let say workout, but not for high concentration job (e.g. codding) or party or something else. So i want to have possibility to assign my personal tags/stars/notes etc.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • May 14, 2019
Hey @kcp

Thanks for your suggestion, I like it. I've moved it here for similarity and added votes. Please register your contribution as well! 😉

Couldn't agree more about better use of tags. So many ways this would improve the app and user experience. Meantime, how on earth are the Deezer supplied tags supposed to be used or help us?!?? 🤔

Runaway Baby
  • Runaway Baby
  • 8 replies
  • January 19, 2020

I have three ideas I’d like to propose:

  1. Custom user tags for songs/albums/etc. The idea is to add an option to add your own tags to a song, say “catchy”, or “sad, slow-paced” or whatever, that will show up next to the songs in your playlist or wherever you have it. This would be incredibly useful for finding specific types of songs quickly, if you don’t want to take the time to remember the song/album name and search through the whole playlist. Ideally colors would be supported as well, so if you’re in the mood for a “sad” sounding song, you just scroll through your playlist, check every song with a blue tag saying “sad” next to it, and add it to your queue. You could also sort your playlists by tags. As an aside, it would also be helpful to add your own ratings to songs, and sort by that. This would work similarly to tags.
  2. Cross-playlist shuffle. This is already technically possibly by clicking on a playlist and doing “add to queue” or “listen next”, but from what I can tell the only way to do this is to hit “add to queue” or “play next" on whatever playlists you want to listen to, and hit the shuffle button twice. However, it’s still going to include whatever songs were in your queue. So this feature would let you listen to a random shuffling from only whatever playlists you choose to play from. The ability to clear the queue and “reshuffle” instead of having to turn shuffle off/back on would be extremely helpful as well. (The fact that you can’t clear the queue is odd and very annoying).
  3. Custom Lyrics. I don’t expect this feature to get added because it would involve adding a whole new dynamic to the app, but I thought I’d share my idea anyways. There are many songs that don’t have lyrics in the app with them, and it would be amazing if there was a way to add your own lyrics to songs, and time the lyrics to pop up at the appropriate points in the song as well. This would be especially helpful for user-imported MP3 files. Possibly you could export/share your custom lyrics with other lyrics, but this feature isn’t as important. 

These are just some of my ideas, the first two of which I think are quite feasible and would greatly help the user experience. If you like these ideas, please give this post a vote.

P.S. (Where is the “my FLACs” import feature already)?

P.P.S (Please let us show playlists on the side of the app and let us drag songs into them like in Spotify).

Runaway Baby
  • Runaway Baby
  • 8 replies
  • January 19, 2020

Meant to say “share your custom lyrics with other users”, not “share your custom lyrics with other lyrics”. Blegh.


Might be an idea to post these as separate threads so people can vote on them individually. 


2 & 3 sound good but don’t bother me particularly. 1 is fantastic though and it would really enhance how I use Deezer.

Runaway Baby
  • Runaway Baby
  • 8 replies
  • January 22, 2020
dreamt_bulldozer wrote:

Might be an idea to post these as separate threads so people can vote on them individually. 


2 & 3 sound good but don’t bother me particularly. 1 is fantastic though and it would really enhance how I use Deezer.

I’ll leave this how it is for a while, and if it gets no traction I’ll make separate posts like you suggested. Thank you for your feedback on my feedback. If you like the tag idea, could you give it a vote? Thanks.

Runaway Baby
  • Runaway Baby
  • 8 replies
  • February 7, 2020

   It would be great if we could add our own custom tags and ratings to songs/albums/etc. It would ideally support colored tags. There should be an option in each playlist that lists each tag used in said playlist. You would then be able to add all songs of that tag from that playlist to their own queue. So for instance, if you want to listen to only the “sad” songs in a playlist or in your favorites, you’d look at the tag selector and click on the blue “sad” tag, then > add all to queue. 

You could also use this to mark “listen later” for songs that, for instance, a friend recommends but you don’t feel like listening to right now. 

As an extension to this suggestion, you should be able to add custom user ratings to songs/albums. This would very similar to tags, and it would show the star or number rating next to the songs that you’ve rated. You could then organize your playlist by ratings and create a unique queue.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • February 8, 2020

Hi there @Kabukiman 

Thank you very much for your detailed feedback and support. I've moved your suggestions here and improved the title so that this can benefit from more votes and traction. This way is also easier for our devs to listen to recommendations about tags in the same place :thumbsup_tone2:

Runaway Baby
  • Runaway Baby
  • 8 replies
  • February 14, 2020

Ok, thanks!

Runaway Baby
  • Runaway Baby
  • 8 replies
  • February 14, 2020

Also, it would be great if we could enable seeing the little album cover icons next to the songs in a playlist on desktop like it shows on mobile.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • February 16, 2020

Yeah, that's not a bad suggestion either! @Kabukiman :wink:

  • Runaway Baby
  • 1 reply
  • June 24, 2020

First and simplier step: add a “I Like” button, so that Deezer know I liked it but I don’t put it in my favorites.
I also like tags ideas.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • June 27, 2020

Hey @Titou Payou 

Thanks for the suggestion, please vote for this similar idea here so that we can consider a priority among other requests :wink:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • July 30, 2020

I don’t know if this is the right place but talking about tags, could be useful for a playlist to have to possibility to add some tags to each songs. 

My specific user case is this: I make a playlist for a party with a lot of different songs and geners, then I assign a tag to each song (ex. "dance", "chill", "rock") so during party we will have more control on what to play (ex. grouping by tag "dance" will play only "dance" songs).


Something like this...

  • Lucky Star
  • 1595 replies
  • July 30, 2020

Hello @Reekoz, it feels like it’s the right place to talk about this. I read a similar suggestion from another user some time ago, and I think it’s a really good idea. Thanks for taking the time to share that with us :slight_smile:

And it would be fantastic to control the favourites tracks also by tags. With the possibility to choose one or more tags before or during the listening (and/or exclude tags also). I often listen to my favourites in random mode but frustrating not to able to filter mood for instance. I don’t want to a hard gabber after a downtempo track. 

  • Lucky Star
  • 1595 replies
  • July 31, 2020

Hi @Bálint Korpa, totally agree, it makes a lot of sense. Thank you for your contribution :slight_smile:

  • Lover
  • 21 replies
  • August 8, 2020

I agree with suggestions about colored personal tags for track. I could use tags to mark specific songs I want to find faster or categorize in some way.

These tags could work like a special playlist but

  • with it’s own column in the tracks table (with clickable names, this column shouldn’t include conventional playlists)
  • it would be personal (others could see them if they are looking in your playlist, but that should have a separate security toggle if even implemented)
  • with color (if not a property, maybe an extracted color from playlist cover)
  • tracks are filtrable/searchable by several tags inclusion (AND/OR/NOT, like ‘everything but explicit/guilty pleasure’ or ‘rock & lyrics’ - logical evaluation is probably the hardest part about all this)
  • probably with a separate tab for such playlists (or they could be put in ‘Tags’ folder when you implement them)
  • A UI that lets you add a track to several playlists/tags at once or create them right there just by writing name
  • also system tags like ‘explicit’, ‘favorite’, ‘lyrics’, etc. could be a thing

With growing number of table columns, column picker could come in handy which could include columns for other props like bpm or genre to sort by (which could help some folks above), probably even a properties window with all the information about a track (not only additional, like in Spotify), but these are separate features

I understand, this is a lot, but this is what I saw in my mind’s eye :)

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • August 10, 2020

Ah! Thank you for your thoughtful feedback @STeeL835 

It makes things much easier for the devs to see exactly what you, as a user, can benefit from. I've forwarded your comments for them to see.

Have a great week ahead :v_tone2:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • August 29, 2020

Similar to the above, another supporter of tags or filters to allow quicker location of albums/artists/genres or my own personal categories of music from within my favourite albums (not just tracks) which, after several years of using deezer, is now a pretty huge list (over 1000) and difficult to navigate. Thank you!


Please add this feature… I’m a long-time Deezer user and my list of Favourite Albums is huge. Even the simplest tagging feature would be awesome, just so that I can categorize the albums like “Sleep”, “Work”, “Roadtrip”, or whatever.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 8634 replies
  • November 25, 2020
The following idea has been merged into this idea:

All the votes have been transferred into this idea.

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 5 replies
  • December 6, 2020

Hey guys. This discussion is 3 years old.

Are you working on this?
Any estimated time?


I want to be buried with my 1600 digital albums that I can't filter more than A-Z / Z-A / Recently added.
