
Bigger text and lyric size in Deezer mobile app

It is very hard to see lyrics or any other text in your app on iOS iPhone so it Would be very nice to make that possible

I love that Deezer has the lyrics feature, and even made a thread to gather different feedback on how to improve it here.

I however think it would be great to pick some of the best ideas from that and add them as individual ideas for upvoting and proper prioritization.

That said, I support @Martin Ivandić’s idea, and would like to build up on it. I like how Deezer lyrics works on the Smart TVs, Android TV and Chromecast apps - where it enlarges the synchronized lyrics as the track progresses, this is missing on mobile and this would make for a great addition. Deezer could borrow a few cues from MusixMatch and Shazam’s implementation of this feature.

Updated idea statusNew→In discussion

Updated idea statusIn discussion→Live