Control Alexa from Deezer app
- October 8, 2018
- 38 replies
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- Runaway Baby
- 2 replies
I am even more disappointed to have taken a 12 month subscription plan.
38 replies
- Author
- Runaway Baby
- 2 replies
- January 9, 2019
The difference between Deezer and Spotify/Amazon Music is to be able to see and control external devices within the app. This is important as long you need to control a device like Amazon Echo whose ability to understand is really lame. I'm a French user, try to ask an English title or foreign title is a kind of game. With Spotify and Amazon, you can choose your music and redirect it to an Echo of your choice. The difference is that the stream is not dependant of your phone, so you can leave the room and the music will continue. The whole difference between a wifi remote and a Bluetooth speaker.
- Runaway Baby
- 3 replies
- June 13, 2019
Many thanks
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- June 14, 2019
You have to login to Deezer as a skill within the Deezer app, that's the current way. Thank you for your feedback, though!
- Tiny Dancer
- 2 replies
- June 14, 2019
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- January 7, 2020
I just submitted a ticket about it (before finding this topic here).
Just to make sure it’s clear what the difference is - and it’s pretty big - I’m pasting it here:
I'm a newcomer from Spotify, and one key feature that I'm missing is the ability to choose Alexa/Echo devices as playback devices - from within the Deezer app. With Spotify, after enabling the Spotify Alexa skill, it's possible to select any of the connected Echo devices right from within the app. In the same way, it's also possible to select device groups - most notably 'All echo devices', enabling music to be played throughout the entire house. This is both super convenient and super powerful, and not having it in Deezer is a big step down from Spotify - in an otherwise great experience.
- Tiny Dancer
- 2 replies
- January 7, 2020
Thx for the detailed description, totally agree
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- January 26, 2020
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- November 27, 2020
Any news from this side?
- Anonymous
- 0 replies
- February 9, 2022
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- February 10, 2022
Just moving over from Spotify…
Has this two year old issue ever been fixed?
I can’t seem to find a way to control my music as streamed over my alexa devices.
Not having control is really not acceptable in a contemporary music service.
If not maybe I’ve got to go back to Spotify?
That would be too bad as I’m liking Deezer otherwise.
- Deezer Staff
- 625 replies
- November 26, 2022
All the votes have been transferred into this idea.
- Runaway Baby
- 18 replies
- January 17, 2023
The fact that this is still marked "not for now" is disgraceful and shows Deezer has no committment to retaining market share. Musiccast and wiim and I'm sure many others work poorly because they are programmed for integration with Deezer poorly and fixing it is not a priority for them. So the only solution is for a true Deezer connect where you can use the app instead of third party integrated software.
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- February 3, 2023
Was about to move from Spotify and realised I wouldn't be able to control music selection via my phone app. Seems issue isn't going to be resolved so Deezer isn't for me. Thank goodness I was on free month
- Deezer Legend
- 1023 replies
- February 3, 2023
Was about to move from Spotify and realised I wouldn't be able to control music selection via my phone app. Seems issue isn't going to be resolved so Deezer isn't for me. Thank goodness I was on free month
thanks for giving deezer a try. there are tradeoffs with every service and we all need to find what works for us.
- Runaway Baby
- 3 replies
- March 11, 2023
Hi, I recently moved from Spotify to Deezer. I have several Echo speakers and an Echo Studio at home. I have found that the Deezer Skill for Alexa is very limited, I can only play music with my voice but I can't control playback from the App with Deezer Connect.
In the Spotify App, by tapping on Spotify Connect I can select the Echo speakers or rooms in the home where I want to listen to the music, and I can also control the playback, queue, and volume of the Echo speakers from the Spotify App itself. This is not possible with Deezer. I see no way to control Deezer playback on my Echo speakers. I am very disappointed.
I see this thread is 4 years old now and Deezer hasn't bothered to improve their Deezer Connect and Alexa Skill. I'll have to go back to Spotify in the end.
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- March 12, 2023
Hi, I recently moved from Spotify to Deezer. I have several Echo speakers and an Echo Studio at home. I have found that the Deezer Skill for Alexa is very limited, I can only play music with my voice but I can't control playback from the App with Deezer Connect.
In the Spotify App, by tapping on Spotify Connect I can select the Echo speakers or rooms in the home where I want to listen to the music, and I can also control the playback, queue, and volume of the Echo speakers from the Spotify App itself. This is not possible with Deezer. I see no way to control Deezer playback on my Echo speakers. I am very disappointed.
I see this thread is 4 years old now and Deezer hasn't bothered to improve their Deezer Connect and Alexa Skill. I'll have to go back to Spotify in the end.
Absolutely agree…. 4 years and still no sign of its support
- Tiny Dancer
- 9 replies
- March 13, 2023
It’s extremely disappointing that Deezer have still not implemented this feature. Back to Spotify I go.
- Tiny Dancer
- 2 replies
- April 8, 2023
I agree this is an important feature.
I was a previous youtube music subscriber, I switched to amazon because I got amazon speakers, so I was an amazon music subscriber. But I was not happy about the amazon music app and the choice of songs, so I am trying deezer family and plan to keep it because I like the app, the music it has and the sound quality. But that would be great to be able to use deezer connect to control my music on alexa devices...
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- June 4, 2023
Please add this to the roadmap, ability to control Deezer on an Alexa Enbled speaker from the app is a must for me.
I am trying Deezer and do like it (especially the High Fidelity stream, love it), would keep Deezer but unfortunately I miss the ability to use the app to control music like I was able to inSporify :-(
- Tiny Dancer
- 2 replies
- June 6, 2023
What I find a pity too is the deezer connect feature. It should be able to control any deezer app on any device. Not just on computers. For instance I have my ISP device with deezer on it but deezer connect does not see that as a controllable device...
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- September 20, 2023
Hi guys! It is really bad that we can’t control deezer from devices while the music is played on alexa. But I have a suggestion to solve it while deezer does not create a solution. Choose de device that you want to listen deezer and connect to alexa bluetooth… this way you will control by the device choosen by you.
Is it the best way? No! But solve part of the problem!
- Tiny Dancer
- 2 replies
- October 26, 2023
I have the same issue here, October 2023. I accepted a free 12-month premium suscription to Deezer, and that is why I leave Spotify aside. I’m just expecting the time ends and go back to Spotify.
Selecting which smart device I want to play the music and control it form my phone/tablet is a deal breaker. Specially because I can make my own cue from the phone with out asking Alexa or Google every song I want to play next.
Still Deezer is far from a great usability and functions that Spotify has long time a go (is like Apple being behind Android in launching “new feautres”)
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- January 18, 2024
Because of this very issue I am looking for a new smart speaker, I have always liked the sound quality from Amazon echo devices. Spotify was good To listen on Google devices but switching to Deezer because of the sound quality Improvement from the stream when played on a Google device It seems like a waste of money. The Echo sounds way better so now I am looking for a new speaker because of the lack of control from Amazon. Their interface with the app is crap.
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- May 19, 2024
Ive been surprised that this has not been addressed. I find the voice controls poor especially when trying to select a specific podcast, if you have playlists with more than one word and foreign names.
Would love to see this moved along deezer
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