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Sorting playlists by artist - album - track

I'm not exactly sure how to explain it, but it'll group together tracks from the same album by their order, and then group albums from the same artist together, and order the artists alphabetically.

This an attempt to better convey what I mean through an example, using fictional artists and fake tracks, sorted using the method above.

Artist - Album - Track No.

Asfa - The Best Album - Track 1

Asfa - The Best Album - Track 2

Asfa - The Best Album - Track 3

Asfa - Zorby - Track 1

Asfa - Zorby - Track 2

Asfa - Zorby - Track 3

Asfa - Zorby - Track 4

Bopa - Brepa - Track 1

Bopa - Brepa - Track 2

Bopa - Copper - Track 1

Bopa - Copper - Track 2
Hi there, thanks for this.

I indeed think that it is not very clear to other users what you mean. Can you explain in more detail.

Please tell us how you see it now and on which app or in the web player and how you think it should look like. This would help other users understand it vote for it 😉
@Tbsc Could you clarify your idea for us? Are you talking about the order of tracks in playlists?
In browsing music, I need to be able to sort multiple columns (artist then by song title). Typically you hold down the control key to do this. If there is a way to do this, holding down the control key doesn't work.

Hi there @Benbald

I've decided to put these together so that it offers our devs a clearer picture of sorting improvements!

I’d like to bump this issue, since it seemed to never have gotten addressed.

Some albums that I listen to are designed to have the music flow constantly from one track to the next. It’s a bit jarring when I can’t sort my playlists to account for track order within an album. It’s also just generally nice to be able to group playlists by artist and album to keep the exact style of music organized.

Ideally some sorting options that would be nice:

  • Sort artist alphabetically. Within artist sort album alphabetically. Within album sort tracks by album’s track order
  • Sort artist alphabetically. Within artist sort album by year of release. Within album sort tracks by album’s track order.
  • Sort artist either by year of first release or year of most recent release. Within artist sort album by year of release. Within album sort tracks by album’s track order.
  • Sort album by year of release. Within album sort tracks by album’s track order.

Hello @Sputnicktator it was addressed, but it is not a priority for now! 

Thanks for the feedback I have duly noted it and we’ll pass it on when the idea will get more votes and become a priority :pray_tone3:


Definitely a must have feature! Sorting just by artist doesn’t make a lot of sense most of the time, as album and track order stays messed up. Being able to shift between ‘added’ and ‘artist->album->track number’ sorting order would be super comfy!