Sometimes while playing Flow you remember a song and want to listen it after the current song. Right now you will have to quit Flow play the song you want and then restart Flow again if you want to do that.
It would be nice to be able to add songs to the queue while listening to your flow. Currently the play next and add to queue options are disabled when the flow is playing.
Sometimes a song plays and I think of another song I would like to listen to next. Unfortunately you can't just have it play next.
Would this be something that Deezer might add as an option?
This is already possible with Shuffle My Music, as far as I remember, because you can edit the play queue in the web player. But you are right, adding anything to the queue while playing Flow would make it less boring.
I was going to request this very same feature but it seems I'm not the only one with the idea ☺️ Playing a certain song without cutting the Flow would be so natural.
I was just going to request the same thing. I like listening to flow, but sometimes I browse through a new song I want to hear next, or a song I like and it’s really disrupting. I don’t think it should be much trouble to have this as an option.
Hoping for this to be implemented shortly, thank you
Currently when I'm listening music in flow I can only listen next under specific circumstances (I guess it only works in playlists). I'd like to be able to search a song regardless of what I'm listening and click "play next".
I think that suggestion would be more like "making the queue (flow) more flexible so I can put any song I'm search into it"
This is useful because sometimes I'm in the meddle of some playlist, but I remember "that song", and I'd like to play it next.
Currently it requires dropping off the flow to listen to that only one song, then lose "the vibe" by having to search for music again.
It would be seamless if I'm just adding stuff to the current queue than it comes back to the flow from there.
Let's say you blacklist the "Channels" Rap and Soul & funk
No music would appear in the Flow playlist from those channels
An the opposite would be true of whitelisting the same channels, ie only music from those channels
The feature could be "Play in Flow" and "Block from Flow" 🙂
Hi there, I got an update on this! We decided not to go ahead with this idea at the moment. Our flow are in continuous improvements and we'll bring more updates soon, but for right now our developers won't be working on this idea. We'll keep passing all feedback on to the right team and hopefully they will be able to work on it next time!
Currently when I'm listening music in flow I can only listen next under specific circumstances (I guess it only works in playlists). I'd like to be able to search a song regardless of what I'm listening and click "play next".
I think that suggestion would be more like "making the queue (flow) more flexible so I can put any song I'm search into it"
This is useful because sometimes I'm in the meddle of some playlist, but I remember "that song", and I'd like to play it next. Currently it requires dropping off the flow to listen to that only one song, then lose "the vibe" by having to search for music again. It would be seamless if I'm just adding stuff to the current queue than it comes back to the flow from there.
Thanks for hearing out.
Not sure how long your sprints are, but just a heads up: we still want this (: