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Disable Audio ducking (lowering Volume) on Deezer app

  • October 15, 2020
  • 4 replies
  • Andre.Behrens
  • Rudi
  • ErikFranzen
  • Rustam Gimadiyev
  • Deathmont
  • jkayoo
  • but_i_digress


i would really like to see an option to completely disable Audio ducking (lowering Volume) when loosing Audio Focus, for example when a notification comes in. I have seen a lot Players having this option and it is really helpful. 

4 replies

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • October 17, 2020

Interesting @Andre.Behrens 

I wasn't personally aware some developers were working on this. In any case, I've changed the status of your idea and forwarded it on. Please refer other users to the topic so that you can get more votes :thumbsup_tone2:

Yes, please! I want to hear notification and Deezer at the same volume!

I’m just doing a free trial and this issue is the single dealbreaker. Whether I’m using Siri or get other notifications, I don’t need for this app to adjust the volume! At least offer a way to toggle this off. 

It's been 3 years and still not implemented. Any idea why? This simply ruins my listening experience. I have to mute all notifications to listen, but I need to hear them too with no ducking.
