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Pure Black/Black Amoled from Dark Mode

  • walker
  • Rudi
  • PetroLviv
  • Axouuu
  • Serg.HardPepper
  • Alejandro707
  • zfouzan
  • TheEnds
  • kafui.ekrme
  • Jamesharbeey_
  • diexxy

It's really good to have an dark mode natively but if you looks at XDA developers exist some guys who are doing right now apps (open source) in a real black mode, they calls them "pure black" or "black amoled" for use their properties from the same displays for save battery and cause it's look really good (like this ) taken from Retro Music player who is open source.
It's just an idea but, man, apparently users loves the pure black style c:

12 replies

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • August 12, 2019
Hi there @fjsantim

Thank you for your suggestion, I wasn't personally aware of this. So I've passed it on and registered my support 👍🏼

Star Wo-Man
  • Star Wo-Man
  • 459 replies
  • August 13, 2019
I saw that option in other apps, and you are right, it could be darker. Also an option to schedule darkness 'd be great.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • August 21, 2019
I think it would be nicer and more comfortable if dark mode was more blueish than red as it's now.
Maybe you could even make colors customizable individually.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • August 23, 2019
Hi there @qiGuar

Thank you for your input and support. I've moved your comment here so that both ideas can be considered at the same time. I've passed the feedback on 👍🏼

I agree, we need full black background #000000.

Add another (third) theme for us  or let us choose it by our own.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 8634 replies
  • February 4, 2021
Updated idea status In discussionNot for now

I think Deezer really needs an amoled theme to save battery on large-screen (and high-resolution) devices.

  • 0 replies
  • October 12, 2021

The best way to save battery is to turn off the screen while listening to music. :wink:

The best way to save battery is to turn off the screen while listening to music. :wink:


Yeah but what if i’m reading the lyrics? Or browsing for music, creating playlists, watching the queue, etc?

  • 0 replies
  • October 24, 2021


The more users vote for this idea, the higher the chance that the developers will deal with the optimization.

Until then, unfortunately, you have to come to terms with the current situation and recharge your device more often if necessary.


you have to come to terms with the current situation and recharge your device more often if necessary.

Or just use deezer with less frequency. I think i’m gonna download music and use deezer only when i want to discover artists, or switch to spotify, which i don’t like at all but at least it has a darker theme (even tho it’s not amoled/full black) and the lyrics feature works better.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • December 24, 2021

Deezer could definitely use an AMOLED/Black mode, made these concepts quickly and I think it'd be worth the optimization, looks really good in my opinion:


Also, the Deezer Android app should also have the immersive full screen mode, having a black status bar line always there looks kinda bad in wide screen smartphones:


It becomes highly noticeable in Light Mode:
