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Android Auto - Playlist view

  • alberto.serluca
  • christianlambert
  • Stefan Dragos
  • ItzGodt
  • skyline91
  • Harmonie
  • moses.munene
  • boas476
  • pas8sion
  • CoryShepherd
  • Seb Jackson
  • MomoLondon
  • stefan.waldek
  • loudnoises
  • Riaan.Swanepoel
  • sano.brrrr
  • te8795
  • JR88
  • FloTeamO
  • Peteskies
  • ueverett
  • Nick4698
  • Fred E
  • truthsolo
  • expose
  • Lmb82
  • hughkg
  • IlliterateWordsmith
  • AndreSA
  • fob542
  • Armando Franco
  • dizzy lizzy

Runaway Baby
  • Runaway Baby
  • 1 reply

in the android auto app you can’t view your playlist’s songs, or even change the order of the playlist, which makes the android auto app almost useless since I always use my phone to choose a specific song or choose the playlist order, your only option is to shuffle with the AA app alone.

This is the Deezer player in AA:

This is the Youtube Music player in AA:

notice the blue circle shows the playlist view icon

This is Youtube music playlist view:

and it’s not only YT music who has this basic feature, spotify also has it.

I have a complete faith in you guys to add this basic feature which apparently you guys have it in Car Play which is a bit odd.

27 replies

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 5134 replies
  • May 28, 2021

Thanks @Ayoo that would be handy indeed.
Let’s wait to other users to vote so the idea can be considered by our developers for future updates on the app

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 5134 replies
  • May 28, 2021
Updated idea status NewIn discussion

Runaway Baby
  • Author
  • Runaway Baby
  • 1 reply
  • May 30, 2021

Thanks @Jaime. :)

I hope to see it soon :pray:

Why this feature was not included from the start is beyond me.


Even the radio's in-built player has a navigable playlist.

@Jaime. Is there any possible progress on this? Is it a consideration or a roadmap feature yet? 



  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • October 29, 2022

This is really a required feature, when choosing a playlist most of the time you need to start with a specific song you have in mind not just the first one or shuffle. Please 🙏

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 4 replies
  • February 2, 2023

I am also having the same issue. Deezer has commented about this on other similar threads, but i think they have stopped commenting or bothering about it.

But, dear Deezer, why would you stop user from browsing from playlist in the first place. Please do try to sell the safety crap.

Do you know what happens in most of the cases? Users use their phone to select particular song from the playlist or select it on Android Auto and keep hitting Next untill they get to the required song. In my opinion both the above options are dangerous than having option to open and select the song on the head unit itself.

​​​​Also, why do you assume that its always the driver who operates the head unit, a co passenger can operate it. And in that case why would you prevent selecting a particular song. The more you restrict the more people will seek other options and make it more dangerous to them.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • March 9, 2023

I just switched from Spotify to Deezer.

I really like Deezer but missing this simple feature in Android auto could make me and my family switch back to Spotify.... 


My daughter like to choose songs she like in the car and now i have to unlock and give her my phone..... 


Please fix this asap! 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • March 9, 2023

@Jaime. Anything new about this? Couldnt be too complicated to fix this feature... 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • March 9, 2023

I just switched from Deezer to Spotify because of lack of such a basic fonctionality on android auto.

I got tired of waiting... users have been asking for this feature for years

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 4 replies
  • March 9, 2023
Jaime. wrote:

Updated idea status NewIn discussion

How many more upvotes are required before Deezer considers this? This issue has been reported in numerous threads across Deezer and still they are not considering this. How hard is this to implement and also in every thread i see that this idea is “In Discussion”, what is there to discuss about it. The idea is clear and many people are requesting it. So can’t Deezer just implement it instead of wasting time. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • March 18, 2023

New to Deezer and just discovered this shortcoming today. Super annoying that I can't browse playlists in my vehicle. Also no “go to album" or “go to artist" option on currently playing screen. Very disappointed.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • July 16, 2023

It is ridiculous that this feature was not included from the beginning.  I am realatively new to Android Auto and I spent quite a while looking for the playlist view as to me it was inconceivable that it wasn't included.  Please pull your thumb out and add it.

pls fix this. Many people want this. it is so annoying to not be able to choose a song on the car screen. i have to pick up my phone and unlock it etc. to change a song everytime...

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 5134 replies
  • September 14, 2023

No news or updates regarding this idea.
I have asked our devs again 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • September 14, 2023
Jaime. wrote:

No news or updates regarding this idea.
I have asked our devs again 

Come on Jaime, sweet talk them to get this delivered. 😀

Years passed, I’ve returned to Deezer recently from other FLAC-streaming while being sure that there ARE playlist view for my car already, but… Still nothing. Time to switch again, obviously.

Ayoo wrote:

in the android auto app you can’t view your playlist’s songs, or even change the order of the playlist, which makes the android auto app almost useless since I always use my phone to choose a specific song or choose the playlist order, your only option is to shuffle with the AA app alone.

This is the Deezer player in AA:

This is the Youtube Music player in AA:

notice the blue circle shows the playlist view icon

This is Youtube music playlist view:

and it’s not only YT music who has this basic feature, spotify also has it.

I have a complete faith in you guys to add this basic feature which apparently you guys have it in Car Play which is a bit odd.

This REALLY needs to be added as a feature. In fact, in terms of usefulness as it relates to Android Auto, this is literally one of the most critical functions of ANY media player yet after knowing this needs to be added for years now, Deezer still hasn't done a thing to address this problem. Makes it impossible to put away my phone while driving. 

hughkg wrote:
Jaime. wrote:

No news or updates regarding this idea.
I have asked our devs again 

Come on Jaime, sweet talk them to get this delivered. 😀

This is literally one of the most important features of any media player. Moreso when it's Android Auto. This is beyond an issue of convenience; it's about safety. Because I can't scroll through a playlist I can never put my phone away. This needs to be implemented. It's been years, and is ridiculous. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • December 18, 2023

I have been deezer user for last 5 years, and I'm shocked and appalled that this option is still non existant.


Because of this I'm switching to Spotify!!!  I encourage everyone to switch to some other streaming app!!


You are ignorant of requests of your users, you and playing stupid. 


Spotify will be my next stream app, everything is all my Playlist will be transfer. 

Thank you for nothing. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • January 7, 2024
Jaime. wrote:

No news or updates regarding this idea.
I have asked our devs again 

Shouldn’t you ask a product manager person rather than dev ?

yea just signed up and the android auto app was underwhelming, i like the mobile and website deezer. but very diapointed with the car version

still nothing?


Well, I think there is no feedback and nothing in this direction, because Android Auto isn’t really supported for now. Far behind other Apps and services. If you search for Deezer and support with Android Auto, many people are frustrated and moving back to other supplier.

Why is Deezer not supporting Android Auto?

  1. No control about mobile data. If you don’t activate “Offline Mode”, it is hard to see in Android Auto, what is downloaded. There is a need of a tab “Downloads”
  2. Activating “Offline Mode”, you have to control Deezer only on the phone. Nothing will be visible on Android Auto. No Songs, no Playlists, no Album…. nothing

Missing the state-of-the-art features, it will be impossible for Deezer to add this new and advanced features into Android Auto. Adding the playlist view requires the basic features. I believe, this is the reason, why there is no progress. It is for Deezer more than just adding a new “view” feature into Android Auto.

Deezer is not made for using it within the vehicle. 


  • Runaway Baby
  • 3 replies
  • May 25, 2024

Wow, at least 2 years and still no support? At least I know what's in most of my playlists. But if you can do it within carplay, it should be done in android auto.  Two major players for the car should have two major priorities.
