
Hi-Res family plan

I'd like the option to purchase a Hi-Res family subscription. Without the option on a family subscription it pretty much makes Deezer on par with Spotify. Spotify has videos and podcasts, Deezer should have FLAC quality music which entices the real music lovers. I'm not saying make the family subscription Hi-Res. I'm saying please give family's the option to pay a bit more for the family subscription to be Hi-Res; call it "family Hi-Fi" or something. I think Deezer is missing out on some $$ if they don't capitalise on family's and only focus on single account holders.

Deezer also has podcasts, and I’m with you, we need a HiFi family plan (Hi-Res isn’t available at the moment, only Tidal and Qobuz). This plan could be optional for each member, maybe some people want and others don’t want high fidelity.

HiFi family plan should also have a year price, cheaper than paying every month

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